The Commish Returns!

After 21 weeks off from the Q sheet (last Q was Wolverine in July!) YHC returned to the gloom where a full body workout was presented. Starting with light mumble chatter about Cooter’s (running on them, moisture and running near creeks) the disclaimer was given along with The Pledge. Mozy to dirt lot for warmups SSH Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm Circles & reverse Overhead Claps Plank for calf stretches [Read More]

August 2017 - Today

I said to the PAX at Tortoise today - I cannot imagine my life if I didn’t find F3 a short 5 years ago. It has meant so much to me, as I found new friends, pushed myself, laughed, looked outside myself, and pushed my boundaries. This workout was a celebration of those 5 years. The Workout There is no magic or mystery to a Red Ryder workout. Most of the time, you can count on hitting all the major muscle groups while you continue to move for 45 minutes. [Read More]

Get that dart rate up

I don’t Q often (this is something I should work on), but when I do Q a workout, it will be unique and out of the ordinary. Today was no exception. I wasn’t sure how this would be received by the PAX, but I didn’t care. If the PAX want to complain about the workout, that is music to my ears. If they want to have an easy workout, they can Q their own. [Read More]

So You Say There's a Parking Deck?

There’s really no reason I’ve not been to Dazed and Confused is a few months. So when I was looking at the Q sheet early this week and noticed a gap for Friday, decided to jump in there. Almost immediately, I heard from Mama’s Boy. Apparently he was watching the Q sheet as well. I figure the excitement he was expressing was almost certainly his feeble attempt at reverse psychology. Nevertheless, I’m not taking my name off now. [Read More]

A Great Twinkie Joke

If there ever was a joke about Twinkies…it would never get old. My VQ was last Friday, and a good time was had. Warm Up Good morning (it was!), Sir Fazio front and back, Seal Claps, Michael Phelps OYO, and Runner and Calf stretches. Mozy-ied over to the driveway next to the parking garage. Thang 1 11s on the driveway, featuring Burpees and Star Jumps (like you’ve seen a ghost) [Read More]

Everything that needed to be said was already said

This BB is superfluous so it will be short. Everything that needed to be said about Friday’s #DazedAndConfused Q was said beautifully by @LuckyCharms on slack. So this is merely a placeholder to document the PAX present and to pass out a quick praise. Warm-up: lap and typically warm up stuff Thang 1: animal related moves up the grassy knoll (bear crawls… gorilla hops… duck walks) with stuff at the top [Read More]

Five Alive

No better way to kick off National Buttermilk Biscuit Day than in the gloom with my brothers. Warm-Up Mosey to the front of the school and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, daisy pickers, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and control freak Good Mornings. The Thang Mosey to the bottom of the hill next to the parking deck for Five Alive. Five rounds of 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 dry docks, 25 LBCs with a quick trip up and down the hill. [Read More]

Tortoise Pendulum

Workout Date: 04/28/21 YHC needed to hop back on the Q train to get my momentum back. Tortoises was the second workout I was able to find on the Carpex Q sheet for this week. At Hell’s Bells on Monday, I had heard about the pull up bars on site and hoped I could work them in somehow. Warm Up: Give the mission statement, check for FNGs, give the disclaimer, and warm up: [Read More]

Fellowship sprints

Today’s workout brought to you by Google & F3 Memphis. As in… “Hey Google… find me some F3 track workouts”. F3Memphis pops up with this: Take a little bit of this, leave a little bit of that, and modify with a dollop of CARPEx-ness and we’re ready to go. A beautiful morning out today. A sliver moon, clear skies, a few stars punching through all the parking lot lights. Just about the perfect temperature too. [Read More]

Told Y'all There'd Be Hills

Preamble Thought I never actually saw it there, I swear Build-A-Bear had put me on the Q sheet for 3/8. But there I was scheduled for 3/1. One of y’all mophos is playing some shenanigans. But you got to get up mighty early in the morning to fool Ma Bell! Play your little games. As YHC enjoyed a refreshing beverage and a cigar, I formulated a plan. A plan that involved hills. [Read More]