Catch'em Burpees

20 Pax today total with the guys that ran the Dino (I think)..

No FNG’s

We had 4 for EC run of 3 miles

Disclaimer and intro, Pledge

Mosey to the parking lot by ball field for warm up, some good stretching to get ready for the thang

The Thang

  • Partner up for Catch me if you can with burpees
    • Partner 1 did 5 burpees to start
    • continued for 2 laps around trail/ path around the fields
    • Reduce down to 4 burpees for 1 lap
    • Then 3 burpees for 1 lap
    • Then 2 burpees for 1 lap
    • Running short on time for the last one so we split in 2 groups for a Washington run back to skate park for Mary

Mary with LBCs, Homer to Marge, and American Hammers

It's Quarantine Day... Again

Getting back is hard, but making it out is rewarding! Today marks the 1-Year Anniversary to my affiliation with F3. For those who don’t know the story, Earhart had been working hard talking F3 up to me for years (he and I were part of the same Y-Guide Tribe.) I finally pulled the chord and decided to give it a try, after years of Treadmill running and T25 (I did a month of Camp Gladiator as it was free too. [Read More]

12 months & counting

19 HIM celebrated my 1-year anniversary of joining F3.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Mozy around church pickle


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Good mornings

The Thang: Modified 11’s… now called 12’s. Consisting of:

  • The Wolverine Burpee
  • LBCs

Total distances: ~3.5 miles (with pickle)


  • Box Cutters
  • Low Slow Flutter

Have a Nice Day & COT

Wild Thangs

31 posted at Apex Nature Park this morning. 16 heard YHC had the queue and chickened out of Dante’s Peak and did some sort of Soft Pax challenge or some alternate interval pull up stuff, I wasn’t entirely sure what was going on but I knew we couldn’t do a Murph with Theismann commandeering the pull up bars. Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am a professional. . . software engineer so follow at your own risk and modify as necessary Pledge of allegiance Let’s mosey! [Read More]

Exicon DEF

Some of you know I am on a mission to go through the Exicon A-Z over the course of many workouts. Today, 16, took part in Exicon D, E & F. 4 came in strong for IronPAX. Warmup - Duck & weave (probably to never make another showing) 10 Daisy Pickers Thang 1 - Descending Deconstructed Double shot of jackees at each light pole. Perform the deconstructed jackees, decreasing by 1, and run to the back parking lot. [Read More]

Who said you can't go home again?

It was a glorious start to fall and a great day to be out in the gloom. What a better place to start the day than at Field of Dreams. Hard to believe that it has been over 4 years since Ma Bell and YHC started this AO. Today - one of my goals was to prove that you don’t have to always run up the hills to the top parking lot in order to have a proper beat down. [Read More]

Like the first day of school

Like the first day of school, YHC set out clothes, made sure the flag was ready and playlist was primed for the soft launch of HOT FOR THE TEACHER. During my first Q (Hell’s Bells) in October 2018, I created a kick-ass playlist that included everybody’s favorite “Hot for The Teacher” by Van Halen. At one point @discoduck leaned over and said “ This would make a great name for an AO” When we scouted the new Thursday site and first decided on a starting point in the Publix parking lot, HFT was not one of the choices. [Read More]