Swinging Pipes

Beautiful crisp morning. YHC always trying to mix it up a bit and try new things and working to incorporate more stretching and mobility to keep me of the IR . Most of the Warmama was using PVC Pipes to get upper body loose for the Merkins and Pull Ups that awaited the PAX. Some liked it, some looked confused. Warmarama (5) Side Straddle Hop 12 Hillbillies (Hip Opener) 12 [Read More]

Rip’s Designee

Pre-Blast 6 for 6.23 at TGM. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. 2.23 mile warmup Indian run around the school 2x. 5 Good Morings The 1st Thang REASE on the track: 10 pull-ups, 20 ‘Mericans, 30 Squats, 40 SSH; Indian run each lap. Un-rack’em. The 2nd Thang Four Corners in the lot: 10 CDDs, 15 Cherry Bombs, 20 Mt. climbers, 25 imperial walkers. Dirkins, dips, irkins on the wall. [Read More]

Anything for a Q-zie

While perusing our beautiful Q-sheet, looking for a spot to q and remembered I had never Q’d FMJ and there was an open spot and you get a koozie. I mean when stars align you go with it, even if you don’t have a theme ready to go. Everyone gathered in the parking lot, trying to stay away from the problematic traffic coming in. Disclaimer for the Pax/FNGs and we’re off. [Read More]