Double Nickles Pickles

Sixteen HIMs showed up at Danger Zone to help YHC celebrate his 55th trip around the sun. A glorious morning, with the temp at 47° according to the Disco Duck-mobile. EC runners come rolling in and after some light mumble chatter it’s time to get started. Warm Up Windmills x 11 IC SSH x 11 IC Sir Fazio/Fazio Sir x 11 each IC Hillbillies x 11 IC Standard Merkins x 11 OMD (shout out to Saban for the reminder of “starting position, move” Thang 1: P-I-C-K-L-E-S At each end of the pickle, do the following, repeating the previous exercises each time: [Read More]

Pickles without Pickles

Note: I put the usual Parker jokes in the beginning of the BB. Anything over 20 words he typically skips. Going way too fast or tapping out after just a few reps has been a problem for a while I hear. OK now we can get down to business. (Note: I’ll put the Pierogi jokes at the end because I believe his issue is false advertising of the merchandise and never being able to close the sale. [Read More]

Welcome back to Ironpax

Weinke Admittedly YHC has only posted at Tortoises once prior to this Q. I am familiar with the site as it’s the closest AO to my house and have been to a Hell’s Bells or 2. Having never Qed a “limited run” workout before, I thought would could work better than an Ironpax inspired workout? Blocks are already on site so it was perfect. I blended weeks 2 and 4 for a special kind of suck. [Read More]

Balls and Diamonds

YHC got late notice on Monday from Frisco that he was isolating due to possible COVID exposure, so he would not be able to Q. YHC’s Qs had been in a rut of late: Dora, Sevens, blah… wanted to do something different this time and given the short notice, would be doing so more or less on the fly. Seven PAX at the start in a damp, but well-lit Claymore parking lot. [Read More]

What happens in the Blind, doesn't stay in the Blind

This morning was another chilly day…there were plenty of sleeves at post time 0530. Some of those sleeves came off as we got warmed up, others didn’t. We’re in a weird spot right now CARPEX…beautiful days and chilly mornings. Today’s highlight (or lowlight depending on how you look at it) was literally hearing every hunting story Bubba has ever had. I feel like he lives in his blinds…and apparently drains entire lakes of their frogs for his witches brew he concocts. [Read More]

Heaven is a Halfpipe

This backblast is a little late coming as it is from my birthday Q on 8/20, but as you get older you tend to forget things. Any way, as most are aware it’s BRR season and another HIM suggested those of us running the BRR should be sure to take all the open Q slots for BRR inspired workouts. Well, one of my typical training routes goes right through HFT and from the light at Olive Chapel and Kelly Road to Kelly at Beaver Creek Commons appeared to be the perfect “halfpipe” if you will. [Read More]

Box Jumps for Breakfast

It was another cold morning, but actually felt pretty good. Maybe F3 is making me tougher. Warm-Up Mosey around the school parking lot and circle up for hillbillies (cause we’re in Apex), Sir Fazios, cherry pickers, burpees, monkey humpers and Carolina Dry Docks. The Thang Mosey to the stairs for three rounds of 22’s. Round 1 - Australian mountain climbers and box jumps Round 2 - Irkins and dips Round 3 - Wonder bras and derkins [Read More]

Ropes and a tire.

When Wrench announced he couldn’t keep his tire at his new house and wanted to see if we could stash it somewhere, I jumped on this chance to get it. I want this tire. We made arrangements to get it to Hells Bells and with no Q on the sheet for the week, YHC threw his own name up there to get the first chance with the tire. So 22 HIMS showed up this morning, no fngs. [Read More]

Closing out Claymore for 2019

A small but spirited group gathered for the last Carpex limited-run workout of 2019 at Claymore. Conditions were near perfect, with temps in the mid-40’s and dry conditions. Half Pike led us in the pledge and we went off for a stroll around the pickle. Leprechaun and Half Pike took off at top speed until they realized that they didn’t know where we would wind up. We wound our way back to the flag for some warmups: [Read More]

#2247 - SWW 12/27/19

4 or 5 for 7800° EC run (including Term Paper completing the full EC run). 10 including YHC for the main event. A formal briefing was conducted at 0545 and we jogged up some stairs to a parking deck (yes, Cauliflower, there is a parking deck magnet that mysteriously draws a Q in). Circle up for a standard Shut-In warm-up with a break for 10 Burpees OYO. The word on the street was that this week’s record of LBCs stood at 480. [Read More]