August 2017 - Today

I said to the PAX at Tortoise today - I cannot imagine my life if I didn’t find F3 a short 5 years ago. It has meant so much to me, as I found new friends, pushed myself, laughed, looked outside myself, and pushed my boundaries. This workout was a celebration of those 5 years. The Workout There is no magic or mystery to a Red Ryder workout. Most of the time, you can count on hitting all the major muscle groups while you continue to move for 45 minutes. [Read More]

No Fooling Around

23 Fools helped YHC celebrate 43 years. Following the welcome, disclaimer, and pledge we warmed up the hammies with some high kicks, butt kickers, and imperial walkers. We proceeded to Mosey with Bruisers continuing the butt kickers and high knees and runners taking a stroll around the new coffeteria location in Amberly. THANG 1: We warmed up with a series of exercises and stretches to get us ready for 7s on the hill with Copperhead Merkins at the top and monkey humpers at the bottom. [Read More]

Tire Races

1/7/2021 15 crushers for some tire flip / farmer’s carry, merkin, Indian walk mania carrying the baby coupon. QIC divided the Brothers up into two teams. Each team will flip a tire one way up the pickle until you reach the other end of the parking lot. Each HIM will flip 5 times and then step away to do 5 diamond merkins and get to the back of the line until its their turn again until you reach the end of the parking lot. [Read More]

Kettlebell & Coffee on a Monday Morning!

Looking to wrap up the year stronger than I started I felt it was time to lift heavy things with a group of 23 others HIM. That along with the promise for some trunk coffee and perhaps the need to check off a few last boxes brought me out to Hells Bell’s this AM YHC gave disclaimer, searched for FNGS and with non present we started with the pledge then mozy the pickle and starting with [Read More]

Let's get swole!!!

So for some strange reason YHC signed up to Q this morning. The day after running a 1/2 marathon. Not the best plan, but at least Hell’s Bells is typically limited run. Also, YHC does not typically post at Hell’s Bells, but I’ve been around long enough so what the hell? Here’s what we did: Warmup: No FNGs. Mission statement and pledge and offff we go for a mosey around the parking lot and up the street. [Read More]

Limited Run, Not Limited Suck

13 Tortoises gathered at Cornerstone Fellowship Church on a beautiful Wednesday morning ready to work. Rolling in hot from the street at 5:25am was C25K Shieldlock members Bolton, Roasters, and Left Cheek who just killed a 3 mile EC run. Billy walks up and I haven’t seen him for years so it was great seeing that kneebrace & his beautiful face (despite his distaste for all day work Zoom meetings). [Read More]

Be sure and log out

Sometimes things just fall neatly into place, and this weekend as I saw posts from F3 Grand Strand about their brother HIghtower, I hopped over to the Q sheet and marveled at my good fortune that Claymore was open. Load up the hatchback with some goodies and away we go. One year ago this weekend, PFC Jacob Hancher of the Myrtle Beach PD was killed in the line of duty. He was known to his F3 Grand Strand brothers as Hightower: [Read More]

Mechanic Training at #ao-thurs-tin2iron

Date: 9.30.2021 PAX: Ausfaht, Left Cheek, Zamboni, Bootlegger, YHC/QIC We did not have a Q so it was up to us to provide for our Brothers. YHC/QIC ask the HIMs to retrieve cinder blocks, KB and weighted rope while I got the tire. We set-up for a tabata crusher. As I was rolling out the tire, Left Cheek asked if we needed a sledge hammer. I replied ecstatically, “ABSOLUTELY!!!” Before the festivities, we Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory and did a quick warm up. [Read More]

5 Years of F3 Sn2Fe Style

As many eye rolls and sighs of exasperation YHC received last night for, arguably, emphasizing the “DA” in HIDA with this Q, it was gonna happen. Not to get all sappy with y’all but there is very little I can say I have been doing - and loving - for five years and running. Yes, the 1st brings us out but truly it is the 2nd that keeps us coming … and growing … and building off each other. [Read More]

Round Robin at #ao-mon-hellsbells

Date: 8/16/2021 PAX: Wahoo, Reentry, Bronx Bomber, Clockwork, Three Finger Salute, Dr. Suess, Hey There, Theismann, Side-Out, Left Cheek, Bolton, Tramp Stamp, Roasters, Triple Lindy, Peeping Tom, WWW Signed up to help out Wahoo when he posted on 1stF asking for a Q. I took the opportunity to lead. Met up with the HIMs in the gloom and they were fired up to go. Went through all the F3 administravia (Mission, Core Values, Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory. [Read More]