Welcome FNG Milton

Six for bootcamp. One for self-inflicted pain. 13, including an FNG, for dizzying repeats around the track. Here’s what the campers did: WARMUP: Traditional warmup yog around the back of the school. Met up at the speed bumps by the elementary school for some SSHs, Squats, merkins and stretches to complete the warm up. ME: partner up. Starting from the speed bump, P1 runs the pickle one direction and the P2 goes the other direction. [Read More]

The More You Know

A beautiful, crisp morning. Definitely not feeling like June. YHC rolls into the parking lot and experiences something I have never seen before. Every person at this workout other than myself is coming back from an EC run. We are definitely in Beige country now. Luckily Banjo and Pivot are in the mix so we can diversify the color palette a bit. No FNGs. Obviously. Pledge. Mosey around the school to the bottom of the hill for a warm-up. [Read More]

No Respect Monday

The crowd at Kryptonite this morning is trending to the younger side. We don’t even have Term Paper, although he is apparently identifying as a teenager these days. Thank goodness Staubach showed up or I might be the oldest guy here. A half dozen or so arrive early to run around for the EC while I arrive early to figure out exactly what we are going to be doing this fine morning. [Read More]

Plain Vanilla 7s

This is YHC’s second Q in the POGL this week as we try to class this place up a bit. This may be the first morning of the year that I would legitimately label as moist. 3 attack the Dino early followed by 11 more boot campers. Nice to see a few new faces in the crowd that YHC has never worked out with before. Pledge and then a run through downtown to the church parking lot where we circle up. [Read More]