Finishing second still feels like a win

The Mike Fiorito Race for Second Place (MFRFSP) is a backyard ultra brought to you by Carpex’s finest ultra running shield lock, the Beige Bros. The goal is to reach 100 miles in 1 week by completing: 5 miles per day for 5 days Monday-Friday leading up to the main event 75 miles in a single day, Saturday, by completing a 5k at the start of each hour for 24 hours (0000-2300) You can run, ruck, or walk. [Read More]

Another Yank safely contained

Last Saturday, YHC moved from Chatham county closer to the center of the Carpex universe, going from 0 AOs* within an EC-able 3-mile radius to approximately half of all the AOs in Carpex (or as HK calls it, the Nation). What better way to move in, meet new Pax, and ensure that YHC wakes up and works out each day instead of sleeping in on a week off than to Q every day at a Cary AO? [Read More]

On the nose

GT has few expectations. Those they do have include: 5K minimum No 10-counts Make sure Largemouth at least breaks a sweat Apparently recently a new one was added: Tell jokes They didn’t say they were funny. So I repeated by bacon tree joke from #PointBreak. Luckily there were no repeats from earlier in the week and I got a bit better on my delivery. Warm-up: Run to the gazebo at the roundabout. [Read More]

Shaken by Shakin'

AO: Shaken Not Stirred Workout Date: 07/07/21 I’ve always been confused by the spelling of Shakin Not Stirred on the schedule. Obviously some type of 007 reference for the (James) Bond Park AO. As I tweeted out the night before, I could only think Shakin was an obscure reference to the classic Eddie Money song. You are correct, that does not make sense. I’ve posted Bond Park workouts a few times, but never at the anchor boot camp of Carpex’s former weekly convergence. [Read More]

Better late than never?

So admittedly, this is like a week and a half overdo, but here’s my backblast from my GT Q from 1/11. Full disclosure (as previously stated in my Green Mile BB) I am a sucker for free stuff. And I have a problem with the number of pairs of socks I own already, so with the opportunity of free socks, I jumped at that chance! Anyway, I was surprised to see the number of cars in the parking lot that Friday morning. [Read More]

There's Bears Back There

It was good for YHC to return to FMJ. The guys that were there the only two other times YHC posted there, and Q’d know the routine. Run towards the track,, stop for 10 Good Mornings (IC) 10 Butt Kickers (IC) 10 Calf Stretch (Hold L/Hold R) 10 Hill Billies (IC) 10 Hackeysacks (IC) 10 Cossak Stretch (a.k.a Hey Hey Willy) (IC) 10 King David Kick (IC) Proceed to the track [Read More]

Three Mile Minimum

Workout Date: 05/18/21 Working on my stretch goal, YHC has been making some moves on the Carpex Q sheets. I was somewhat apprehensive about blindly signing up to Q a “high tempo” workout without posting first. I’ve seen more than one AO where this label no longer applies, and others where the label is missing. I did my due diligence, verifying with Peeping Tom that Full Metal Jacket really was high tempo and posting Kryptonite the day before to get a taste of Carpex High Tempo. [Read More]

What really is hi-tempo anyway?

quckie backblast – Ma Bell hyped the site as the best, Grease Monkey back for a one-night special, & lots of talk about how FMJ has gotten too tough as of late…. so, pressure on me to make sure the PAX were moving this fine morning…. with 15 seconds to spare, we said the pledge and did a sharp mosey down to the middle school parking lot dodging 3 Apex pick-up trucks on dawn patrol for some reason…. [Read More]

Double Duty

51 is a lot different than 50 was last year. Just the situation - we are now back to getting after it in groups in the gloom. On April 15, 2020, we’d officially shut down group workouts. But one thing I wanted to keep the same. Do a Murph on my birthday. The day started with a run into Bounty Hunters, which depending on the route I choose is right about 3 miles. [Read More]

SNS 4/14/21

35(ish) PAX converged at Bond Park for a pick-your-own-adventure sorta day. Some ran. Some rucked. Some beast-ed. And some did a little bit of all that. But I can only speak to what the bootcampers did. Some other hero will need to fill you in on what happened with the ruckers and runners. 5:44am, YHC hollered at the PAX to find a partner. A dull buzz filled the air as the PAX wondered whether YHC had actually planned a Q *gasp*. [Read More]