And Bear Crawls For All...

Warm Up: Pledge SSH - IC x 10 IW - IC x 10 KDK - IC x 10 GM - IC x 5 WM - IC x 10 The Thang: Mosey to the Basketball Court and give the Pax Instructions Bear Crawls, Gorilla Hops, Crab Walks, Duck Walks and last but not least Lunges are the only means of travel when not Running. Proceed to the Gherkin and Bear Crawl Around it [Read More]

Q School 101 Revisited

Week 1 of Carpex Culture Month is “Q School 101.” A scan of the crowd reveals some Carpex Legends, so I am quick to invite audience assistance. Disclaimer. “This is a free, volunteer, peer-led workout. I am not a professional. I have no knowledge of any injuries or fitness considerations. It is each person’s responsibility to be safe and modify exercises if you need to. Don’t get hurt.” Mosey to the Pickle. [Read More]

Good Hill Hunting

BRR season is upon us, whether the Pax like it or not. Several crushed the Cauliflower EC, but since I rolled in at 5:13, I can’t tell you exactly who. 5:15 start. No shovel flag with good brother Snip at the beach, but I noticed on my drive in that the Town of Cary mounted flags around Koka Booth for the 4th, so we moseyed to the traffic island where we were surrounded by Old Glories. [Read More]

Flirtin' With High Tempo

AO: Flirtin’ With Disaster Workout Date: 06/01/21 YHC was looking to mix things up with a set of Number of the Beast (lifted from Jimmer’s Ambassador Q), but I couldn’t find a good area with six clearly defined stations. I did check out the shopping center parking lot on my prerun, but ultimately I couldn’t get over how well the Flirtin’ With Disaster parking lot was set up for 7-11s. [Read More]

Bridge Fun for my Anny #3!

I have an easy F3 anniversary date to remember – May the 4th be with you! Thanks to my man, Flacco for bringing me out! Speaking of Flacco, he’s doing the Murph-A-Day in May – wondering if I may be able to help him out…. Anyway, he’s what happened at FWD this fine morning: Gather at the flag, have everyone pair up with a Get Better Buddy – accountability partner for the day, Flacco brought us Star Wars props so we were instructed to pass along the lightsaber during the workout, jog to the pickle for a quick warm up – set of good mornings, then we are off to the rock pile. [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise - FWD 4-27-21

4 For EC 3ish mile standard loop - Banjo, Lookout, Joe Smiff and YHC. 1 for EC 2ish mile jog - Chipper 19 Showed up for the main event. Including some from the other side of Cary. Debrief Greenbow on the game plan for the route. Mention something about invigoration. Pledge allegiance and a ‘follow me’. The Thang: Jog up Cary Parkway to the ’not even an exit’ future road tie-in on the right for a brief warm-up including Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings and Hill Billies. [Read More]

Who am I?

Have been wanting to pull this Q out for a few weeks ever since my son’s confirmation retreat. Warm up: Mosey to the big Koka parking lot for GM, Abe Vigoda, SSH, IW, Merkins and Eye of the Needle stretches. Thang: Asked the PAX to think about the answer to the question: “who am I”. Took turns sharing our answers, with answer-appropriate workouts tossed in. In our group we had a hospital name (7x burpees), husband (24 years merkins), lawyer (99 problems LBCs), financial adviser (3 million dollars wolverines), a child of God (WWIIs), a literary and musical hero (star jumps) and a father. [Read More]

Catching Largemouth

Last night, the Q slot for BiB opened up, so YHC volunteered to take the helm. I remembered a nearby segment from last year’s Hill Climb Challenge, so I built the workout around that. 15 total Pax today, including one FNG. TClaps to Farm Aid and Useful Engine for bringing out a friend. Thing Mosey around the lake. Warm-up: I called some unusual stuff that Build-a-Bear didn’t love. Pearls on a String Mosey through the greenway to Glade Park Road. [Read More]

The Minimalist

Semiannual-ish visit to FWD. Warm Up Jog around the park circle and back to the flag. Warm up of SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Runners stretch and calf stretch. Merkins x 50 The Thang Mosey to my favorite church parking lot. 11s the length of the lot, which is up and down the hill. Burpees at the top, jump squats at the bottom. Finish with the six, do 25 standard merkins. [Read More]

12 Days of Christmas Rocks FWD 12/22/20

1 For EC EC 1 mile bike ride - Oofta 6 For 2.5-3.3 mile EC run - Chipper, Lookout, Joe Smith, Oofta, Full House, YHC (not Shut-In) 14 circled up, we said the pledge and jogged over to standard warm up area. Warmup: Good mornings, hill billies and merkins (all Metatarsalgia friendly excersises). We then each grabbed a moderate rock and jogged across the Parkway (not the peakway) to lower office building front door. [Read More]