Get that dart rate up

I don’t Q often (this is something I should work on), but when I do Q a workout, it will be unique and out of the ordinary. Today was no exception. I wasn’t sure how this would be received by the PAX, but I didn’t care. If the PAX want to complain about the workout, that is music to my ears. If they want to have an easy workout, they can Q their own. [Read More]

Another Yank safely contained

Last Saturday, YHC moved from Chatham county closer to the center of the Carpex universe, going from 0 AOs* within an EC-able 3-mile radius to approximately half of all the AOs in Carpex (or as HK calls it, the Nation). What better way to move in, meet new Pax, and ensure that YHC wakes up and works out each day instead of sleeping in on a week off than to Q every day at a Cary AO? [Read More]


This is going to be short. Sorry fellas. I’m beat. Kids are out of town still so last night the M and I went to dinner at Hank’s Dive Bar in DTC. It’s not really a dive but the drinks are good and the fried cauliflower is fantastic. Recommended. I had seen Chewie walk by the window earlier in the evening so as we were leaving I gave the place a bit of a scan to see if I would spot him. [Read More]

Entering the World of Meh

Twas another great Saturday morning at the site of Phoenix! Just perfect for a good well balanced beatdown, and YHC had planned the workout with that in mind! I also chose to lead this one in particular as a way of commemorating my last day in my twenties. (Going to different for a while to not hear “Hate” called for me in name-o-rama). When 6:30 struck 8 pax were ready to go, including an FNG. [Read More]

No Mehs

Warm-Up Mosey over to the bank and circle up for warm-up. Hard to recall all of them but I’m pretty sure we did 4 burpess and 20 arm circles. The Thang Mosey safely across Chatham Street and make our way down Academy Street doing five monkey humpers at the odd light poles and ten merkins at the even light poles. Sevens at the Art Center, V-ups at the bottom of the stairs, bear crawl up the stairs, LBCs at the top, mosey down via the ramps on the sides. [Read More]

Fourth Year Celebration Part 2

Due to joining a Bible study group which meets on Tuesday nights, YHC hasn’t been able to be in attendance at the infamous downtown Cary location that is Rush Hour in a while. But given that this day (4/6/21) marked my 4th year in F3 Carpex, and the fact that I planned this out at the beginning of the year, I was not going to miss it! I had already Q’ed once this day in the early morning at FWD. [Read More]

Fourth Year Celebration Part 1

This past Tuesday (4/6/21) marked the 4th year that YHC’s first post of F3 Carpex, and what an awesome ride its been! Time sure is a weird thing, as I like to say. It feels so long ago and yet it doesn’t feel like hardly any time at all, but I’ve certainly enjoyed getting to know and workout with all you guys and all the adventures ta boot! To celebrate YHC had planned out a special two part Q on this day. [Read More]

ABC, Easy as 1-2-3, Simple as Do-Re-Mi

With expectations high for a sophomore Q and accompanying backblast, I opted for a simple schoolhouse theme in honor of the Hot for Teacher AO. A lovely, moonbright, 40-degree morning for a workout. Again, lots of ECers and although I was not one of them, I did show up a bit earlier to check off the Carpex Core Challenge, courtesy of Prodigal. Warmup Trick mosey, then: Side-straddle hop IC 15-count. Imperial walkers IC 15-count. [Read More]

Record 16 Pax

The night was looking to be a very glorious time for a beatdown! Many other pax thought so too as 16 HIMs in all descended upon Ragnarok to tackle the evening gloom, which we were all pretty sure set a new record for the site! When the clock hit 8pm YHC gave, and slighty bumbled my way through the disclaimer and mission of F3 (It was one of a few times I realized I was a little rusty). [Read More]

Run The Loops!

YHC pulled into the site of FMJ with a little bit of extra time to think about the route and routine I had planned out. The morning was nice, quite, and chilly (which its still winter, so thats not surprising). The only thing a little out of the ordinary was the bobcat and other construction materials in our parking lot, which they may have been there before then I don’t know. [Read More]