Record 16 Pax

The night was looking to be a very glorious time for a beatdown! Many other pax thought so too as 16 HIMs in all descended upon Ragnarok to tackle the evening gloom, which we were all pretty sure set a new record for the site! When the clock hit 8pm YHC gave, and slighty bumbled my way through the disclaimer and mission of F3 (It was one of a few times I realized I was a little rusty). [Read More]


Four pax and one dog showed up at Ragnarok for a holy cow what time is it? 8 PM? Seriously? OK, here we go. Warm-Up Mosey over to the little basketball court and diamond up for failed hillbillies, penalty burpees, seal claps, cherry pickers, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. The Thang Grab an ego rock at the rock pile and line up on the big basketball court. Three rounds of 10 rock squats, 10 overhead presses, run to the other end, 10 monkey humpers, 10 dry docks, run back. [Read More]

Parking Lot Tour

20 PAX gather in the gloomy and humid morning for a flashback Q for YHC. I have many fond memories of posting and Qing in this great site and was excited to bring some new faces some of my old-school, vanilla beatdown. Disclaimer and pledge done, we head around the parking lot and down the dark path to the street where we oval-up for: Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio [Read More]

Escalators ... Even going down is brutally tough!

AO: FOD Date: 8/20/19 PAX: 5 Hole, Beaker, Brosef, Callahan, Clementine, The Departed, Deuce, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Katniss, Kilmer, Liverpool, Ma Bell, Spit-Shine, Swag, FNG Toothless, Trike, WWW I goal for my Q’s is to ensure the workout is challenging but yet attainable. It took some time to think of what I want to do. What I came up with is an escalator workout. Read on to find out what was in store for the PAX. [Read More]

Rolling Stone 9 Stages of Ruck Hell

Date: 7/19/19 PAX: Bartman, Katniss, Skipper, WWW As the GT HIMs headed out for their beatdown, we Mother Rucker’s headed off to do our thang. Circle up for a little warm-up. Rucked to starting point. QIC/YHC calls out our thang: Rollingstone 9 stages of Ruck Hell - 9 reps of each exercise (goal: 4 rounds with some rucking distance in between each round) Overhead squat Lunges Chest press Shoulder front raise [Read More]


19 PAX, including some strong mother-ruckers, gathered round the flag at Green Hope Elementary in search of their morning Fs. It was a chatty group, so while the ruckers headed off on their journey, the rest of us moseyed around the trail to the other side of the big athletic field. But first, Hi-Liter met the challenge of reciting the mission of F3. The disclaimer was referenced, and allegiance was pledged. [Read More]

Odd Couple

Pre-Blast 17 (+2 Ruckers) for partner work at #ao-mon-ateam. 6 for great discussion at #qsource. Great start to the week! Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the midway parking lot on the right. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, Zebra Butt Kickers, Diamond ‘Mericans, WG ‘Mericans. Partner up, size matters. Run to the front of the back lot. Thang 1 Partner Carry across the lot and one time around the circle. [Read More]

Q-School: Exam Day

It was a good day for a VQ, thanks to the perfect mix of humidity, heckling, helpful encouragement, and reminders from Shut-In that the things he brought up in Q school were better applied than remembered. Despite lots of “you’re starting at SNS?” questions we’re off. Mosey in the unusual direction from the flag, getting started at the ropes course parking lot. After a brief attempt to keep up appearances by suggesting that Build-a-Bear was passing the test in observing my counting woes, we found the correct combination of pauses and cadences to get going. [Read More]

Core work at FOD 6-25-19

3 guys did some ECP or something b/c they think South Cary couldnt handle it. I think it started at 5ish. 5:45 - “Disclaimer” was stated, literally. Follow me, the path around the ball fields is closed, like with a fence closed in case you were wondering. Do some penalty burpees for YHC not knowing this. Jog over to the nice soft field and circle up for some warm up stuff. [Read More]