Rack 'em

Here’s the set up: 2 weeks ago, YHC and the Nan’tan himself are standing in line waiting our pimento cheese at the festival and we’re chatting F3, as we’re often to do. We’re talking about the impending 10 (or 9) pack and how I’ll round it out with a co-Q at Phx. To the Nan’tan’s credit, he’s always thinking and says, “I have access to The Crick’s Q sheet, let’s see if it’s open. [Read More]

The CarPEX Declaration Celebration

In honor of this Carpex’ declaration of independence this year from F3 Raleigh, we hijacked the nation’s birthday…no this was about America. And Independence. And Revolution. And Democracy. And Old Glory. And rockets red glare. And Freedom. And moon shots. And heroes. And Bald Eagles. And the Greatest Got Dang country in the world! And it all started in 1776. So 35 of Carpex’ and 2 of F3 Raleigh’s finest did this. [Read More]