It's a Jungle at Lion's Den

7 at A-Team. 18 at DTP. 25!! at Lion’s Den. Difficult to scale, and I’m learning a lot still. 0530: Several mallwalkers and motherruckers out with the bootcampers this morning. An EC runner or two.All assembled, no FNGs, lots of familiar faces, Pledge of Allegiance, statement that we’ll keep pretty close to the flag, and we immediately have to move (too many pax for the first exercise). First was a follow-me to the coziest spot in Peak City for some Good Mornings (missed you Big Red). [Read More]

When are we going to start disturbing the peace?

So, Day 1 at A-Team was a nice intimate pax of 4 for the bootcamp, 3 for some ruck/walking. Day 2 was no such luxury. About 17 or so converged on the subfreezing temperatures in the very center of the Peak City. YHC fought a slow defroster to arrive with about 5 minutes before go-time. Feeble old eyes couldn’t make out the shovel flag, but the pax took joy in pointing out the HUGE flag at the fire station. [Read More]

12 Ways that Year 2 Differed from Year 1

Following up on my 12 pieces of advice from last year’s f3versary backblast, I thought it might be fun to reflect on how things were different over this second year. To summarize, I would say focusing and finding my place was the theme for this past year. Q’d a lot more this year (30+), and am more comfortable, yet oddly perhaps less prepared, at leading. Wrote way fewer backblasts. Used to write one per workout. [Read More]

12 reflections on 1 year with F3 Carpex

Several Pax have asked what I’ve learned over this past year, and several more have asked how much weight I’ve lost. YHC thought a blog post was in order, and considered alternatively entitling this, How to become a HIM of the month before your first-year anniversary, but we all know that’s just a teacher’s pet game, sooo… (Just kidding, it was actually a very pleasant surprise & honor. Besides, we know that can’t be true because Suck UP hasn’t been named HOTM yet. [Read More]

90 Days Later, I'm not a runner & Happy Birthday to Me!

After missing out of Qing for 90 days (I did post up with some IR and typical beat downs) I’m back to checking off a few boxes. With that.. today’s theme was “I’m not a runner” and I took the Joe Isuzu approach: I lied. Arrived early on this brisk birthday to scope out the surroundings as it had been a hot sec since posting here, I wanted to confirm my idea and memory. [Read More]


OK, this workout had nothing to do with our former President. But it involved B.O.M.B.S with rocks so there you have it. YHC thinks the title is clever. You will come to love it as well. Anyway, even after YHC got a little anxious and stepped in the site Q’s lane by pre-blasting my Q, 20 HIM showed up, including an FNG who had no idea what he was getting himself into. [Read More]

Limited Run, Not Limited Suck

13 Tortoises gathered at Cornerstone Fellowship Church on a beautiful Wednesday morning ready to work. Rolling in hot from the street at 5:25am was C25K Shieldlock members Bolton, Roasters, and Left Cheek who just killed a 3 mile EC run. Billy walks up and I haven’t seen him for years so it was great seeing that kneebrace & his beautiful face (despite his distaste for all day work Zoom meetings). [Read More]

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

And it was ushered in by perfect gloom temps of approximately 68 degrees. For the PAX who decided to wake up this morning and head to the most galactic of AOs in all of Carpex this side of Tatooine, not only were they greeted with amazing weather, they got to start their day with a beatdown of collegiate football caliber (kind of). After all, with college football kicking off today, it was only fitting (and YHC always leads at least 2 football-themed beatdowns per season to commemorate summer camp season and kickoff). [Read More]

Another Yank safely contained

Last Saturday, YHC moved from Chatham county closer to the center of the Carpex universe, going from 0 AOs* within an EC-able 3-mile radius to approximately half of all the AOs in Carpex (or as HK calls it, the Nation). What better way to move in, meet new Pax, and ensure that YHC wakes up and works out each day instead of sleeping in on a week off than to Q every day at a Cary AO? [Read More]

Dora in the Lion's Den

AO: Lion’s Den Workout Date: 07/28/21 Last night was the end of season banquet for my kids’ Summer swim team. I went to bed as early as I could, but knew I wouldn’t be doing any sort of prerun this morning. After a few views over Google Maps and Dora in my back pocket, I showed up ready to wing it. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(1), and give the disclaimer. [Read More]