It's a Jungle at Lion's Den

7 at A-Team. 18 at DTP. 25!! at Lion’s Den. Difficult to scale, and I’m learning a lot still. 0530: Several mallwalkers and motherruckers out with the bootcampers this morning. An EC runner or two.All assembled, no FNGs, lots of familiar faces, Pledge of Allegiance, statement that we’ll keep pretty close to the flag, and we immediately have to move (too many pax for the first exercise). First was a follow-me to the coziest spot in Peak City for some Good Mornings (missed you Big Red). [Read More]

12 Ways that Year 2 Differed from Year 1

Following up on my 12 pieces of advice from last year’s f3versary backblast, I thought it might be fun to reflect on how things were different over this second year. To summarize, I would say focusing and finding my place was the theme for this past year. Q’d a lot more this year (30+), and am more comfortable, yet oddly perhaps less prepared, at leading. Wrote way fewer backblasts. Used to write one per workout. [Read More]

March Madness!

It was a beautiful morning, Mid 50s and nice and dry! Chiquita Banana and Fiddle showed up a full 1 minute early even beating a rucking Flenderson by a full 30 seconds! Thang 1 Mosey around to the front of the church. It’s such a beautiful spot, have to do our warmups there! Good mornings Calf stretches Runners stretch Hill Billys x 15 Merkins Regular x 10 Diamond x 10 Wide grip x 10 Ranger x 10 Regular x 10 Puddles was not a fan of the 50 merkins. [Read More]

Plank Destroyers and Elevator Rides

10 HIMs gathered for another Thursday workout at Hot For TaeKwonDo or Hot for Tate or Hot for Teacher (who knows the name anymore). After a stellar pre-blast from Qwerty about Principal Rooney, nostalgic movies, law enforcement, and trespassing, I knew it was going to be a great morning. YHC did some recon earlier in the week and had plenty of options for the beatdown. After realizing there were no FNGs, the F3 mission was recited as well as the pledge. [Read More]

12 reflections on 1 year with F3 Carpex

Several Pax have asked what I’ve learned over this past year, and several more have asked how much weight I’ve lost. YHC thought a blog post was in order, and considered alternatively entitling this, How to become a HIM of the month before your first-year anniversary, but we all know that’s just a teacher’s pet game, sooo… (Just kidding, it was actually a very pleasant surprise & honor. Besides, we know that can’t be true because Suck UP hasn’t been named HOTM yet. [Read More]


OK, this workout had nothing to do with our former President. But it involved B.O.M.B.S with rocks so there you have it. YHC thinks the title is clever. You will come to love it as well. Anyway, even after YHC got a little anxious and stepped in the site Q’s lane by pre-blasting my Q, 20 HIM showed up, including an FNG who had no idea what he was getting himself into. [Read More]