Dora, Pull Ups, Burpees....

YHC was excited to serve up a post Super Bowl beatdown this morning at Hells Bells. Although I have not Q’d this workout in a while (actually I haven’t put my name on the Q sheet much at all over the past few years, but that will change for 2020) I was looking forward to giving the PAX something to do on this fine Monday morning. Pledge at the flag. No FNG’s and off we go…. [Read More]

A stroll around the block

An even dozen found their way to the lower parking lot this morning which seems to be the only place we can start Hells Bells now. The top lot is always locked. No Pax were late so Red Ryder was disappointed we didn’t start with burpees. Warm-up – Everyone picked up a traveling bell and moseyed over the the parking lot. Warmed up with SSH, Good Mornings, calf stretch, and followed by sir fazio forward and backward. [Read More]

Who is really in charge here?

YHC quickly chums up with YOGI to confirm whose Q it really is. I get the, “what me? “ with a hug. After catching up on a few work things we begin to mingle with the ECP men and those arriving. Good to meet Alamo, been reading a lot about him. Great to see Traffic Cone, have not seen that man in a while. There will be no WWIIs or flutter kicks today. [Read More]