Hard like Beskar

Well. It’s been a week. After a rare day off work last Friday, and having such a blast with a spelling bee at Danger Zone, I remembered how fun it is to Q. You never realize how bad you are at being a Q until you don’t do it for a long time, then try to jump back in the ring. DZ was a little different; I had a plan, and willing pax, and it was an out-and-back…what could go wrong? [Read More]

2017 was 5 years ago?

It is hard to believe that 2017 was 5 years ago but alas here we are celebrating my 5 years of doing this thing we call F3. I am still not sure why I started in January since I really do not like cold but so glad I decided to join Crimson all those years ago. A little known fact is I did not start posting regularly until early March 2017 frequently using the too cold excuse. [Read More]

Stuff happened

It’s Revolution time in CARPEx and about 30 dudes were running the Maynard. YHC came out for Insomnia and … ran it solo despite the parking lot being full of cars. Plus it was really cold. So I didn’t expect many guys to show up. But show up they did. In droves. All within 30 seconds of go time. 30 seconds later we were off. Only one goal today: keep everyone warm. [Read More]


Warm-Up Mosey over to the Community Center parking lot and circle up for 22 side straddle hops and others. Callahan showed up late and salty so a few burpees thrown in. The Thang Mosey down the hill to the bottom lot and partner up. One runs the pickle, the other alternates step-ups and dips. After a few rounds switch from dips to derkins. Escalating merkins up the hill. Run to first light pole, 1 merkin, run back. [Read More]

Are we still doing this?

I know we have a newfangled method of tracking workouts with attendance and what happened on slack with PaxMate, but part of me still enjoys typing it out for posterity. Anyway, as Triple Lindy and I were discussing running plans for this morning, I remembered I had a late softball game Tuesday night. It’s cool we can just run Friday. And then our boy Happy Gilmore dropped the SNS pre-blast and I was reminded I did indeed have the Q. [Read More]

Alright, Alright, Alright

AO: Dazed And Confused Workout Date: 08/13/21 Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) Number of The Beast in the front parking lot 2) Balls to the Wall, People’s Chair, and Australian Mountain Climbers on the wall by the school 3) Fives on the hill behind the parking deck. Squats and Star Jumps maybe? I took too long to write this Backblast and can’t remember [Read More]

SNS 9/22/21: We Need To Talk

Believe or not, I had a plan for today. At 0545, nine men headed off for bootcamp. WARM UP Jog to the lower lot and circle up for: SSH Merkins Good Mornings Abe Vigodas Squats Fazios THE THANG YHC had everyone get a partner, then I explained the premise. We would run laps around the large lot in pairs, however I would be guiding the conversation. In between each set of laps, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs as a group. [Read More]

Leg Day, All Day

It’s A Team and this is my backblast. Pledge of Allegiance then… Warm Up Mosey to the parking lot by the tennis courts. Circle up for Sir Fazio arm circles, Overhead claps, Steve Earles, and some runners/calf/hamstring/hip stretching. All the Thangs First, go to the traffic circle by the picnic area. Partner up. Partner 1 does El Capitan around the circle. Partner 2 runs around the opposite direction. Each time you meet, 10 merkins and then switch. [Read More]

Don't Panic

AO: Dante’s Peak Workout Date: 07/02/21 When scoping out my Q, I quickly recognized Apex Nature Park from my Piranha Park Q. Excited for another visit, I pulled up to the park entrance just before 0540 to find the parking lot gate closed and no cars in sight. Was I at the wrong park? I tried to pull up f3carpex.com on my phone, but it wasn’t loading. In a decent panic, I drove back the way I came on Evans. [Read More]

Mexican Slayride*

It snuck up on me, but my 6-year anniversary of my first post is 6/15. I first posted at A-Team, at the urging of Hotspot, way back in 2015. You know he can be convincing… Crazy busy schedule these last few days, with 2.0 Zip Drive wrapping up his high school career, and all the celebrations that signal the end of one phase, and the beginning of another. But I saw that A-Team was Q-less, and, even with all the crazy in my life right now, could NOT pass up a chance to see if I could pull off another themed Q there. [Read More]