Dora Got Nothing on Jeff 1-2-3-4

Preamble Per usual, planning the Q started sometime after dinner and finalized before going to bed. YHC drifted off to a sound sleep with a smile my face. The smile continued as I woke up (I mean, at my age every day above ground is a blessed one), through my morning deuce/wordle/stretching routine, and on the drive to Bond Park. 40 seconds prior to launch, YHC flawlessly recited and enunciated the F3 Mission. [Read More]


OK, this workout had nothing to do with our former President. But it involved B.O.M.B.S with rocks so there you have it. YHC thinks the title is clever. You will come to love it as well. Anyway, even after YHC got a little anxious and stepped in the site Q’s lane by pre-blasting my Q, 20 HIM showed up, including an FNG who had no idea what he was getting himself into. [Read More]

SNS 4/14/21

35(ish) PAX converged at Bond Park for a pick-your-own-adventure sorta day. Some ran. Some rucked. Some beast-ed. And some did a little bit of all that. But I can only speak to what the bootcampers did. Some other hero will need to fill you in on what happened with the ruckers and runners. 5:44am, YHC hollered at the PAX to find a partner. A dull buzz filled the air as the PAX wondered whether YHC had actually planned a Q *gasp*. [Read More]

Hemlock Bluffs Blair Witch

Several for extra credit, and 20 were there for the main event. No respects. We ran down the trail past the SWW turn and then crossed the creek into the woods and onto the Hemlock Bluffs trail. We ran all the trails in Hemlock Bluffs (well, almost all). Then we ran home. We did some push ups and squats and things along the way while waiting for the 6 to catch up. [Read More]

Putting the B in Burpee, and Other B Words

I never know exactly how many PAX are boot-camping and how many are Vespering, but there were 20+ gathered at Bond Park expecting some sort of exercise routine. Warm Up A couple laps around the pickle to get the gams loose. Do the Pledge and recite the F3 Mission, circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio forward and back, Seal claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks, and CFMs. The Thang Mosey down to the end of Maury O’Dell, hang a right and go to the nicely lit parking lot adjacent to fields 5/6/7. [Read More]

So About That Hip Flexor...

It’s the day after Thanksgiving, November 29, 2019. After the triumphant T-day convergence, which sported a CARPEX record of 3,964 PAX including 561 FNGs, most of us practiced a LOT of gluttony. YHC consumed enough calories on turkey day to power a 747 jet on a cross-continental voyage. 11 HIDAs, including one FNG, were here to out-king their queens. Whether they knew it or not. Speaking of kings, Prom King is late so 10 burpees is our reward. [Read More]

The Freedom Trail July 4th Convergence

@Qwerty, @Red Ryder and YHC met last week to plan the 2019 July 4th Convergence hoping to create something special. Our goal was to keep the PAX together in order to preserve fellowship and maybe a few exercises in-between. The disclaimer was disclaimed, the F3 Mission was delivered and Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner put the PAX in a USA state of mind that included a Fly Over courtesy of Delta. [Read More]

You broke your cherry

It truly was a glorious morning at Bradford’s Ordinary…until my Co-Q decided to throw me into the fire. Having gone to Q School on Sunday, and living by the Boy Scout motto of semper paratus, I planned out what was supposed to be my portion of the workout - disclaimer, warm up, and Mary/COT. I even communicated my plans to my Co-Q for confirmation. I practiced my exercises and cadence calls with my 2. [Read More]

A Case of the Mondays

The sun comes up early these days. Early enough for an old guy like YHC to be able to make out most of the faces gathered around the shovel flag at about 0543. As the garmin strikes 0545, there are 21 PAX who pledge their allegiance, then follow the Q as we all mosey into the bowels of Apex Community Park. Warm Up SSHs, Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks, Calf Stretches, and 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]

A-M-E-R-I-C-A / 6-14

In celebration of Flag Day, the PAX at Dante’s Peak paid tribute to America and Old Glory on a crisp Apex morning. Warm up A quick mosey around most of the soccer field – circle up in the middle SSHs Sir Fazios – front and back Merkins Plank jacks Good mornings The Thang Playing off of the June 14th date (6-14), YHC developed a beatdown encompassing these numbers and A-M-E-R-I-C-A. The PAX enjoyed a tour of both sides of Apex Nature as we stopped intermittently to do the following: [Read More]