Counting is Overrated.

1-4-2022 AO-Rush Hour 2 PAX EC run with stairs, 1 PAX Ruck EC. 2 Minute Warning; Welcome; My modified Disclaimer (; Core Beliefs; Mission Statement; Pledge. No FNG’s. Warm Up: Mosey around Town of Cary Campus: SSH & Good Evenings Nice and slow. Mosey. Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Calf Stretch. Mosey Sir Fazio’s, Seal Claps. First time I lost track of the count Thang 1: Blockorama Block Taylor Webbs Blocks from FRED Block Taylor Webbs: 1 squat; 1 L/R lunge walk; 1 upright row; 1 overhead press. [Read More]

The Jazz Tones of Ragnarok

Thorsday’s hard launch of AO Ragnarok started off with the mellow tones of a local band. This was an absolute treat, folks, as they were quite good and we could hear them through most of the workout. I attached a short video of their practice to the 1F and MC channels on Slack for those who want to listen in…or you could just post next week and we’ll see if they come back! [Read More]

More blocks

Lower temps and humidity made for a perfect night at Rush Hour. It was nice to get back to some bootcamp training after the BRR training. The blocks I carry in the bed of truck came in handy. 2 minute warning; No FNG’s; Mission; pledge; and we are off. Well sort of, Press On is trying to EH a friendly, heavily tattooed, dude on a bike. The dude admitted to smoking a lot of weed and not being in good cardio shape. [Read More]

2 for Yahoo's six-pack

Since there was some discussion on Mumblechatter as to what constitutes a six-pack, the Rush Hour executive board, Kermit and YHC, has officially given Yahoo 2 workouts towards his first six-pack. We previously proposed that any workout that has a “feels like” temperature over 90 should count as two. Well, it was feels like 94. If you would have seen Yahoo wring his shirt out after, you would give it to him as well. [Read More]