F3 Carpex 6th Annual CSAUP, The Odyssey

93 PAX and 2.0’s descended on Downtown Cary for the 6th annual CARPEX Odyssey. Special thanks to Bogo and Badlands for doing the heavy lifting on the Q for this event, and to PetSounds for crushing the SAG Q and post-race 2nd F. Also thanks to all of the SAG support volunteers, Site Q’s, shirt designers, and inspirational musical selections. On to the workout…Rooney kicked us off with an opening prayer and then handed it off to Badlands for the warmup at the home of BO. [Read More]

Running at Rush Hour?!

Arriving a bit early to recon my plan, and mozy a lap or two for my warmup, I confirm the overall idea I’ve had for a few weeks. This is gonna be fun I think to myself. I was wrong. ;). 7 HIM arrived, the disclaimer was said, and the pledge was recited. Off we go on a mozy to lawn by deck For warmups Good evenings SSH Sir fazoios Over head Claps Seal claps Calf stretch Runners stretch Short mozy to bottom of parking deck for Thang 1: 7’s - using the stairs [Read More]

SNS 4/14/21

35(ish) PAX converged at Bond Park for a pick-your-own-adventure sorta day. Some ran. Some rucked. Some beast-ed. And some did a little bit of all that. But I can only speak to what the bootcampers did. Some other hero will need to fill you in on what happened with the ruckers and runners. 5:44am, YHC hollered at the PAX to find a partner. A dull buzz filled the air as the PAX wondered whether YHC had actually planned a Q *gasp*. [Read More]

Ragnarockin' Over the Wall

Greetings, Carpex! YHC just completed my 2021 Q Challenge in Raleigh (Q 21 different AOs) and I am spreading my wings. I’ve posted in Carpex a few times in the past (Danger Zone, Carpex Dads, Werewolf, and most recently Rush Hour). You might’ve noticed a few of us Raleigh guys dropping in to get points for a challenge we have going on this month. It was one of our Raleigh (ahem, Garner) brothers, Bouchér, who recently posted Rush Hour and opened my eyes to the evening workouts in Carpex. [Read More]

PHAT Tuesday

22 brave men and 2 brave dogs assembled in beautiful downtown Cary on the most glorious evening of the year. Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot in front of Page Walker, past the pocket park, to the parking lot next to the tracks and circle up for various warm-up exercises. I think one of them was burpees. The Thang Mosey safely across the street to the little hill behind the Chamber of Commerce for 7&7. [Read More]

Dora the Ninja

Last minute change in Q due to schedule adjustments, so I had to think up a workout pretty quickly for this post. I’ve been wanting to take advantage of the Elevate obstacle course at Ragnarok and this was the perfect time to do so…but how to make it really hard without crushing the PAX’s legs right before the Odyssey CSAUP?? Here’s how we did it: Ragnarok 22 Oct 2020 2000 - Welcome, Disclaimer, Pledge [Read More]

Kettle What???

The Carpex challenge tour continues as YHC takes the Q at the premiere (only) Carpex Kettlebell workout! Admittedly, YHC is not typically a KB guy, but as previously stated, Carpex challenge. I have a friend that posts some KB workouts on the book of face so I was going to steal one of her workouts, until I tried to do the first set of exercises and realized my bell was too heavy and I would die if I attempted that. [Read More]

Factor of 5 Escalator during the Rush Hour

Date: 9/22/20 AO: Rush Hour PAX: Cauliflower, Chewie, Disco Duck, Horatio, Kermit, Speed Racer, WWW I thought I was going to fartsack the whole day but as I got to class, the instructor mentioned that we are getting out at 4;00 pm. That brought a smile to me face because I realized that I can make Rush Hour. What was glorious about working out in Rush Hour is the weather was absolutely amazing. [Read More]

Herding Cats for COT

Big crowd mulling around outside the gates. One FNG – disclaimer given. Pledge and we are off. Mosey through some parking lots followed by a few traditional warm up exercises. Head to the lot near the shelters for some pickle partner lunge, run, HRM circuits Shelter for 11’s with Dips and Irkins Crimson suggests heading to powerline hill to find Chewie and Bootlegger Run to crosswalk doing 3,6,9, 12…24 monkey humpers at each lightpole [Read More]

Picking up the Six...or...S****

Nine (+ 2 Ruckers) PAX made it out to Kryptonite for a Monday morning Q to begin prep for BRR 2021. Oofta screeched into the parking lot at the bell, and at 530 AM, we kicked off on-time with the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Half-mile jog around the amphitheater to the Symphony Lake Bridge with expected heckling from Burt and Flip (Fleep) Flop. Good Morning Calf stretches First » Nine’s at ABB parking lot/hill Finish trail and head across the street to ABB parking lot. [Read More]