Red Star Failure

The Idea: For my 4th F3 Anniversary Q Bounty Hunters and have real bounty to hunt. The Plan: Set some stuff out around the AO for the PAX to find and reward them if they find it. I looked around my house to see what would work - the first thing I found was a Russian flask that my sister gave me. She lived in Moscow for a couple of years and gave me this flask as a souvenir. [Read More]

Al Carmichael & College Football Trivia

Albert Reinhold Carmichael, for whom this Q was named, was an American football player whom “holds the distinction of scoring the first touchdown in American Football League history…”[1] 12 men gathered in the gloom on Friday, Aug 20th at Dazed and Confused to pay tribute via two Al Carmichael-themed exercises. The group convened, heard the F3 mission and disclaimer, and recited the pledge. Warm up: Brief mosey, Good Mornings, Sir Fazzios, Reverse-Fazzios, Michael Phelps OYO, Imperial Walkers, and Side Straddle Hops. [Read More]

Plain Vanilla 7s

This is YHC’s second Q in the POGL this week as we try to class this place up a bit. This may be the first morning of the year that I would legitimately label as moist. 3 attack the Dino early followed by 11 more boot campers. Nice to see a few new faces in the crowd that YHC has never worked out with before. Pledge and then a run through downtown to the church parking lot where we circle up. [Read More]