3 Months Away

We are officially three months away from BRR, and YHC isn’t in shape for that at the moment. Time to get to work. And on this insanely muggy morning we have 22 other HIMs with the same idea. One of them is not Francois, who is ducking this thing despite being a Site Q. No FNGs, although Free Solo is apparently back for workout #2. Pledge. A short mosey to the side parking lot and circle up for a warm up. [Read More]

"That Was in My Mouth"

As you might imagine, it took YHC some time to locate an SFW graphic that fits with this particular title. A-Team is the spot where YHC attended his first Carpex workout and then performed his VQ. Just for nostalgia, we will recreate that VQ today. No FNGs. Pledge. Let’s go. Warm up: Mosey to the top parking lot to the right and circle up: 20 SSH IC 10 GM IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R 10 Wide Grip Merkins OMD 10 Daisy Pickers IC Whenever I see Chipper and Francois show up to the same workout, I know that there is a significant statistical likelihood that something amusing is going to happen. [Read More]

Finding FNGs at the 7-11

A crisp and beautiful Saturday morning at Bond. No FNGs. YHC points out that there were 2 FNGs at SWW just yesterday, but I haven’t had one since before the pandemic. Pledge. Mosey across the park to the parking lot by the boathouse. 7 GM IC 15 IW IC 10 Daisy Pickers IC Calf Stretch with 15 Merkins x 2 Runners Stretch Mosey back to the kiosk for the start of 7-11’s. [Read More]