Running at Rush Hour?!

Arriving a bit early to recon my plan, and mozy a lap or two for my warmup, I confirm the overall idea I’ve had for a few weeks. This is gonna be fun I think to myself. I was wrong. ;). 7 HIM arrived, the disclaimer was said, and the pledge was recited. Off we go on a mozy to lawn by deck For warmups Good evenings SSH Sir fazoios Over head Claps Seal claps Calf stretch Runners stretch Short mozy to bottom of parking deck for Thang 1: 7’s - using the stairs [Read More]

9/3/21 SWW 4 year anniversary

24 total PAX. Pineapple and Chops were not there, even though they clicked the HC button. I assume they know what HC stands for. Half was there. I assume Burt told him he should go. Lookout ran a bunch of miles so we would quit asking him how he felt and was there for COT. It was a glorious 57 degrees on the Trusty Tundra Thermometer. Spectacular relief from the recent sweatfests. [Read More]

bo bb

This was a tough day for sure. I’ll keep it limited an amplify the few things that are truly relevant: I’m thankful for Burt and his perpetual support of the PAX. Seeing that flag and the beer made my day. I’m thankful for Riptide. He was up early to let me know and not leave me hanging there. Great to see Foie Gras back after a devastating week. Here for you, man. [Read More]

Leg Day, All Day

It’s A Team and this is my backblast. Pledge of Allegiance then… Warm Up Mosey to the parking lot by the tennis courts. Circle up for Sir Fazio arm circles, Overhead claps, Steve Earles, and some runners/calf/hamstring/hip stretching. All the Thangs First, go to the traffic circle by the picnic area. Partner up. Partner 1 does El Capitan around the circle. Partner 2 runs around the opposite direction. Each time you meet, 10 merkins and then switch. [Read More]

A Tour of Downtown Cary

It was a lovely, cool, sunny morning in the heart of Cary. So cool that HGTV flirted with the idea of long sleeves…on tank top Thursday. The cheek! A stern look from Burt brought him to heel. Burt’s briefcase of tanks was almost not needed, but alas, a rucker and a Raleigh guy needed the dressing room. The Q was delayed 30 seconds as Boucher put on a fashion show. YHC mumbled something about “This is F3, don’t get hurt” and we did the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

Out of Order

17 PAX trickled into Marla Dorrell park through the thick and chunky atmosphere to join YHC for some exercise this morning. Here’s what we did! Gather at the flag for disclaimer and the F3 mission… and follow me. No FNG check, because everyone looks at least vaguely familiar. Into the park we go… Warmup at the inner lot (8cGM, SSH, SM, IW) and follow me into the playground for a micro-Dora with a partner (50x Merkins, Squats, LBCs). [Read More]

Mexican Slayride*

It snuck up on me, but my 6-year anniversary of my first post is 6/15. I first posted at A-Team, at the urging of Hotspot, way back in 2015. You know he can be convincing… Crazy busy schedule these last few days, with 2.0 Zip Drive wrapping up his high school career, and all the celebrations that signal the end of one phase, and the beginning of another. But I saw that A-Team was Q-less, and, even with all the crazy in my life right now, could NOT pass up a chance to see if I could pull off another themed Q there. [Read More]

¡Three FNGos!

AO: Phoenix Workout Date: 06/12/21 YHC has posted Phoenix (or maybe it was Werewolf), but it has obviously been a while. The starting parking lot was a lot smaller than I remembered and there were a large number of PAX, including three FNGs. Time to start modifying the plan. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs (3), and give the disclaimer Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC) Good Morning x5 IC [Read More]

A Plan Comes Together

AO: A-Team Workout Date: 06/07/21 After Slippery When Wet on Friday, I verified with site Q Henny Penny that A-Team was, indeed, a standard boot camp. The A-Team was one of my favorite television shows when I was growing up. I really wanted to have some inspired routines for this. The first one came pretty easily, Burpee-American Hammer Elevens for the A-Team’s master mechanic, B. A. Baracus. Solid! What exercises could I come up for Hannibal, Faceman, and Howlin’ Mad Murdock? [Read More]

3 years now...

So 3 years ago I showed up to Rush Hour, it was stupid hot, I had no gloves, but a man who I would later learn was named “Old Maid” walked to the parking lot welcomed me, and led me over to the gathering point to introduced me to the rest of the men gathered. We waiting for the “Q” named “Riptide” who arrived right on time grabbed a small kid’s tricycle and said follow me. [Read More]