All The People

YHC has most recently led workouts that numbered three and four people, respectively. So I am not mentally prepared for the mass of humanity that descends on DTP this Tuesday morning. People keep pouring out of cars like Decal is handing out money or has an extra supply of gasoline. We need a slight change of plans to handle the crowd, but the show will go on. No FNGs. Pledge. [Read More]

In the Wild Wild West

YHC legitimately can’t think about this AO and not start singing Kool Moe Dee’s masterpiece in my head. And now you won’t be able to either. You’re welcome. A great crew out for a Monday. Duck arrives in his silent earth-mobile. Mandolin is there without Banjo. Tramp Stamp is back, which makes YHC happy. Hamm is there on the Rehab tour. Shlitz is even there after a 20 miler the previous day. [Read More]

The Den in the Darkness

I showed up a few minutes before 0530 to find some returning EC runners who said the parking lot was dark when they left. This is only my second time at the LD, so an impromptu darkness Q would have been unwelcome. Luckily the Diocese had indeed paid the electric bill and the original plan was in effect. No new folks, although Rock Lobster has shaved and looks like a different human. [Read More]