Who the heck is Rainbow Larry?

When I woke up and heard the thunder and rain I didn’t even flinch. I just rolled out of bed and continued my morning routine. I knew it was going to be wet. I just hoped the Q, Rainbow Larry would keep us relatively dry in the case of a downpour. Luckily Dantes Peak has a nice Pavilion with benches. When YHC finally pulled into the AO I noticed Cheddar Bo had unlocked the gates. [Read More]

Glory Days at Dante’s Peak

Mission: Revisit Al Bundy’s legendary four touchdown game for the Polk High Panthers with a football practice style workout Warm Up: Mosey around the outside of the park back to the end of the parking lot at a *medium* pace, stretch a little (good mornings / calf stretches) then pay the piper (59 SSHs (with a break for half time), one for every point the Dolphins allowed in Week 1, plank for a 43 count, one for every point allowed in Week 2, and 23 merkins for the spread in Week 3) - Tanking for Tua has a price, people! [Read More]

Anything for a Q-zie

While perusing our beautiful Q-sheet, looking for a spot to q and remembered I had never Q’d FMJ and there was an open spot and you get a koozie. I mean when stars align you go with it, even if you don’t have a theme ready to go. Everyone gathered in the parking lot, trying to stay away from the problematic traffic coming in. Disclaimer for the Pax/FNGs and we’re off. [Read More]

It wasn’t a Murph

After stressing out for a few weeks about my first Q, it’s now Monday. I ping Peeping Tom, my cousin who EH’d me one year ago, to get some feedback on my plan. Grief is delivered, something about how I’m asking him about this the day before I’m supposed to Q. I attempt to correct him, stating I’m fine, I’ll have all day Tuesday to nail things down. Additional grief is exchanged about how I’ve actually only got 10 hours before the Q. [Read More]

Murph 12 of 19 (in 2019)


  • 15 for the twelfths of nineteen Murphs in 2019.

The Warmup and Thang

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.

  • Run to the playground and around the track twice for the first mile.

  • Murph at the flag.

  • Run around the track twice and back to the flag for the second mile.


Greenways, Ovals, and Snakes

Lion’s Den! Only my second post there, but man is that a nice site. Just wish it wasn’t a 40 minute round trip drive to get there. Ne’ertheless, here we go! FNG check (one!), even numbers check (yes!), <16 people check (also yes!), clunky disclaimer, LET’S ROLL. Mosey around the lot for Carioca both ways, backwards and forwards run, then continue the mosey to the north lot for GM / IW / SSH / CP / SM / PJ / MC. [Read More]