RIP Jimmy. You've got wings that we can't see

Preamble It was 1985 when YHC saw my first Jimmy Buffett concert. Before that, I had been a casual fan. But on that night at Carowinds, I fell in love with the music, the lyrics, the energy, the good times vibe, the lifestyle, the escape his music offered, and the man. I would go on to see him 15 or so (I lost count) more times in places like Carowinds (again), Blossom Music Center near Cleveland, Buckeye Lake near Columbus, PNC Arena - the only time I’ve seen him indoors - and of course, Walnut Creek Amphitheater. [Read More]

Finishing second still feels like a win

The Mike Fiorito Race for Second Place (MFRFSP) is a backyard ultra brought to you by Carpex’s finest ultra running shield lock, the Beige Bros. The goal is to reach 100 miles in 1 week by completing: 5 miles per day for 5 days Monday-Friday leading up to the main event 75 miles in a single day, Saturday, by completing a 5k at the start of each hour for 24 hours (0000-2300) You can run, ruck, or walk. [Read More]

Winky Rewind

A strong group of strong men gathered in the gloom this morning at Bond Park. The morning drizzle was gloomy and glorious. It was a good thing the Q brought his winky, because his memory isn’t very good anymore. And it was a good thing the winky was laminated so it would stay dry. The size of the winky was spot on, even when folded in half. - mosey to hill by pavilion and planted flag [Read More]

F3 Carpex 6th Annual CSAUP, The Odyssey

93 PAX and 2.0’s descended on Downtown Cary for the 6th annual CARPEX Odyssey. Special thanks to Bogo and Badlands for doing the heavy lifting on the Q for this event, and to PetSounds for crushing the SAG Q and post-race 2nd F. Also thanks to all of the SAG support volunteers, Site Q’s, shirt designers, and inspirational musical selections. On to the workout…Rooney kicked us off with an opening prayer and then handed it off to Badlands for the warmup at the home of BO. [Read More]

Smoking the Smoky Mountain Relay 2022

For the first time, Carpex sent two 9-man teams to the Smoky Mountain Relay. Coincidentally, this was the first year that SMR had a 9-man division, and perhaps less coincidentally, the Carpex teams took 1st and 2nd place in that division. We’re going to cover a lot of ground in this backblast, from the teams, their experiences, the course, to a comparison with the perennial favorite Blue Ridge Relay (BRR), so buckle up, because this is going to be a bumpier ride than the “100% paved” abandoned Nantahala wilderness road of Leg 26! [Read More]

2022 May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge

(This Backblast is long….) Pre-Thang A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…. May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge It is chaotic times in galaxy. The Empire as fallen. The New Republic is moving fast to gain control of former Imperial facilities. Mon Mothma has charged the New Republic Eclipse Team travel to the planet Wayland, located in the Inner Rim, to lock down a former Imperial Research Facility. [Read More]

7 is the number

9 HIMs converged at Downtown Cary flag poles near the Cary PD looking for some good fellowship beatdown. The bell tolled 18:00 hrs. No FNGs. We cited the mission, 5 core principles, and credo. We pledged our allegiance to Old Glory and off we went in the direction of the parking deck. Runner hit the stairs to the top and mosey down to level 1. Walkers walk to lower deck (no stairs). [Read More]

Running at Rush Hour?!

Arriving a bit early to recon my plan, and mozy a lap or two for my warmup, I confirm the overall idea I’ve had for a few weeks. This is gonna be fun I think to myself. I was wrong. ;). 7 HIM arrived, the disclaimer was said, and the pledge was recited. Off we go on a mozy to lawn by deck For warmups Good evenings SSH Sir fazoios Over head Claps Seal claps Calf stretch Runners stretch Short mozy to bottom of parking deck for Thang 1: 7’s - using the stairs [Read More]

B!tch Hands

Nine PAX got to hear Disco Duck ask if he needed gloves, and subsequently named this backblast. Warm Up Mosey to the top of the old parking deck. Run around a bit, even backwards. Circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Grundle stretch, calf stretch, hip stretch, and 25 merkins. The Thang Mosey back down the stairs, and over to the center fountain the the middle of the municipal buildings. [Read More]

Operating Heavy Machinery

Having been thinking about having some fun at an AO for a while and decided MASH would be the ideal place to give it a shot. Had I known how many peeps we’d have, I would have recruited a second! Arrived a few minutes early. Unfortunately not early enough as I was maybe 15 seconds too late to give Pivot a good scare by blasting my horn as he ran by. [Read More]