When Pax wish to complete a non-Slack based backblast or AAR, they can do so by filling out this form. It will be processed and added to the website.
Paxminer User Guide
Please review the following user guides for the two tools that make up Paxminer:
Paxminer tool Where it is Purpose Slack bot Type /backblast in a Slack channel A tool to input data after an event, including a summary of the event and attendees. Dashboard Coming Soon A filterable dashboard to view stats such as how many times you post a week or how many guys on average your favorite AO gets.
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How to EH
With warmer temps comes the opportunity to tempt your fellow man out of the hibernation of winter and into the lessening gloom. In F3 lexicon, this is called the emotional headlock, or EH. Whether you’ve never EH’d someone or you’re a pro, this article will share some tips, tricks, and resources.
It starts with you Most of all, you have to believe in what you’re doing, and then it’s easy. If you’ve seen F3 change people’s lives, it’s easier to tap into the “emotional” part of the EH and tell-to-sell it to people.
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How to Q
Leading a workout for a group of high-impact men can be a bit of a challenge. There are a lot of factors: what to do, where to do it, who’s all gonna be there, will someone spill merlot, are people gonna Q-shop me the night before, etc.
But being the Q for the day is also both a privilege and a reminder that we are here to accelerate male community leadership.
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