F3 Carpex 6th Annual CSAUP, The Odyssey

93 PAX and 2.0’s descended on Downtown Cary for the 6th annual CARPEX Odyssey. Special thanks to Bogo and Badlands for doing the heavy lifting on the Q for this event, and to PetSounds for crushing the SAG Q and post-race 2nd F. Also thanks to all of the SAG support volunteers, Site Q’s, shirt designers, and inspirational musical selections. On to the workout…Rooney kicked us off with an opening prayer and then handed it off to Badlands for the warmup at the home of BO. [Read More]


Date: 11/17/2021 13 posted at #ao-wed-tortoisess We had no HIM step up to sign up and Q on the Q Sheet. So, I being the Site Q called a Cluster Q. What’s awesome about this format is everyone working out gets the opportunity to work on calling out the exercise, calling out the cadence, and leading the men through it (mini Q School). Also, the PAX has no clue what their Brother is going to call until they call it. [Read More]

A Stroll Down Charlie Gaddy Lane

AO: Bradford’s Ordinary Workout Date: 08/12/21 Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) Jacob’s Ladder on Waldo 2) 5s on Charlie Gaddy Lane (jump squats/star jumps) for the retired WRAL Action News 5 legend 3) Number of the Beast down Academy to appease/quiet the mumble chatter https://www.strava.com/activities/5781333316 Mary: A variety of ab exercises. COT: 17 PAX (14 bootcampers, 3 walkers/ruckers) [Read More]

Who's Your Uncle?

The Back Story After fifteen hours of rain from Tropical Storm Elsa, the skies parted and left a beautiful Carpex just ready for something special – YHC’s first Q. And what an auspicious occasion it was! I knew I took a long time to finally get to this place and there were a lot of guys that encouraged, pushed, and flat-out razzed me to get here. Thank you all for that. [Read More]

Flirtin' With High Tempo

AO: Flirtin’ With Disaster Workout Date: 06/01/21 YHC was looking to mix things up with a set of Number of the Beast (lifted from Jimmer’s Ambassador Q), but I couldn’t find a good area with six clearly defined stations. I did check out the shopping center parking lot on my prerun, but ultimately I couldn’t get over how well the Flirtin’ With Disaster parking lot was set up for 7-11s. [Read More]

Do You Know Any Good Veterinarians?

It’s a beautiful morning at Downtown Train in beautiful downtown Holly Springs! Warm-Up Mosey over to the library and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forward, cherry pickers, Sir Fazios backwards, copperhead merkins, calf stretches and copperhead squats. The Thang Mosey over to the rock pile and grab a rock that doesn’t have a copperhead under it, circle up for presses, tricep extensions, rows, squats and curls. Take a lap around the library and grab your rock for rock yo bodies and squat thrusts. [Read More]

Tortoise Pendulum

Workout Date: 04/28/21 YHC needed to hop back on the Q train to get my momentum back. Tortoises was the second workout I was able to find on the Carpex Q sheet for this week. At Hell’s Bells on Monday, I had heard about the pull up bars on site and hoped I could work them in somehow. Warm Up: Give the mission statement, check for FNGs, give the disclaimer, and warm up: [Read More]

Bridge Fun for my Anny #3!

I have an easy F3 anniversary date to remember – May the 4th be with you! Thanks to my man, Flacco for bringing me out! Speaking of Flacco, he’s doing the Murph-A-Day in May – wondering if I may be able to help him out…. Anyway, he’s what happened at FWD this fine morning: Gather at the flag, have everyone pair up with a Get Better Buddy – accountability partner for the day, Flacco brought us Star Wars props so we were instructed to pass along the lightsaber during the workout, jog to the pickle for a quick warm up – set of good mornings, then we are off to the rock pile. [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise - FWD 4-27-21

4 For EC 3ish mile standard loop - Banjo, Lookout, Joe Smiff and YHC. 1 for EC 2ish mile jog - Chipper 19 Showed up for the main event. Including some from the other side of Cary. Debrief Greenbow on the game plan for the route. Mention something about invigoration. Pledge allegiance and a ‘follow me’. The Thang: Jog up Cary Parkway to the ’not even an exit’ future road tie-in on the right for a brief warm-up including Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings and Hill Billies. [Read More]

Fourth Year Celebration Part 1

This past Tuesday (4/6/21) marked the 4th year that YHC’s first post of F3 Carpex, and what an awesome ride its been! Time sure is a weird thing, as I like to say. It feels so long ago and yet it doesn’t feel like hardly any time at all, but I’ve certainly enjoyed getting to know and workout with all you guys and all the adventures ta boot! To celebrate YHC had planned out a special two part Q on this day. [Read More]