Hill Work- 2.6 Miles

Disclaimer, Intro, No FNGs, Pledge Run from entry of park to parking lot Warm-up Good Mornings Side Straddle Hops Mountain climbers Runners Stretch The Thang I came early and set up some cones on Laura Duncan for us to use as markers We started at the park entrance and ran up Laura Duncan with 3 stops. Working up and down the ladder with following movements: 1st stop: 10 Merkins 2nd stop: 10 Merkins, 20 Squats 3rd stop: 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBC’s … (No back down the hill) 4th stop: 10 Merkins, 20 Squats 5th stop: 10 Merkins Plank hold at top and bottom of hill to wait for everyone to join back up. [Read More]

Rubberband Man - Just what a body needs

Date: 7/25/19 PAX: Betsy Ross, Bogo, Callahan, The Commish, Green Bow, Hotspot, How How, Sosa, Torpedo, Willy Wonka, WWW These are the things we did: Hamstring stretch Wide feet hamstring stretch (l/r) Child’s pose Downward Dog Wide feet downward dog Dive Bombers Wide leg forward fold Chest expansion Runners stretch Runner’s stretch drop knee Bootie drop (runners stretch and drop bootie to opposite side of forward leg) Calf stretch Alternating calf stretch [Read More]