Hello Turtle

YHC has yet to Q at the premier limited running AO in all of Apex on a Wednesday, and with an open spot on the schedule, I jumped on it. 4 for an EC loop around the peak of good living, tclaps to Earhart, GTL and the Duck man for rolling with me. The time is 0530 and we’re ready to go with 17 studs, and 3 vests present. Warmup: [Read More]

Stronger, Faster, Higher

F3 Scout Week! Today was the beginning of F3 Scout Week. You may be asking what is F3 Scout Week? Well, I am glad you asked! F3 Scout Week was an idea I had while sitting through a scout meeting a few weeks back. If you think about it, F3 and scouting have a lot of shared core principles including duty to God and country, focus on physical fitness, helping others, and brotherhood. [Read More]