What really is hi-tempo anyway?

quckie backblast – Ma Bell hyped the site as the best, Grease Monkey back for a one-night special, & lots of talk about how FMJ has gotten too tough as of late…. so, pressure on me to make sure the PAX were moving this fine morning…. with 15 seconds to spare, we said the pledge and did a sharp mosey down to the middle school parking lot dodging 3 Apex pick-up trucks on dawn patrol for some reason…. [Read More]

Hi Liter, "All Running" YHC, "I don't think so"

First Thursday of the month is a running workout, yeah i missed that one. Pledge, head to White Tiger for warm up. SSH and various stretches. Pre Thing. 75% to James Jackson, 10 Merkins, run back, 20 backwards lunge. Thing. At the creek on Maynard, 75% to Weatherstone, 10 Merkins, run back, 20 backwards lunge or 10 low squats - alternating; 7 round trips. Return to flag, 50 four count LBCs. [Read More]

Is That Your Pickle? (or are you just happy to see me???)

Respect week. The GREATEST WEEK OF THE YEAR in carpex f3. The excitement was palpable at Salem Pond Park on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. Several did an EC run, there were 2 for EC Shred and 2 more for EC pull-ups. After Hermes finished reading the obituaries, we got all 24!!! guys to start out with the Pledge. There was a little mini-disclaimer beforehand, but it was likely not heard due to the intense MC centering around bad old people jokes. [Read More]

Breaks at the ½ mile. We need to hit 4!

Opening a quick Pledge of Allegiance and then off for a ½ mile run **Warm-up **Circled up at Dude Solutions and did 20 Side Straddle hops, 20 Hill Billies 5 Good mornings. The Thang We ran another ½ mile then did 25 American Hammers, proceeded to run another ½ mile and did some Low slow Flutters. Another ½ mile and ended up at SWW. We circled ups and did a few exercises and then headed the long way back to koko booth to hit 4 miles. [Read More]

Dodgerless Point Break Vanilla Beatdown

16 Pax showed up on a unseasonably warm October morning including about 5 of the standard EC runners. Started with the pledge and circled up. Was prepared to start off with 15 burpees if there were any Dodger fans in the house but no one took the bait. Did the usual Warmarama instead with SSH, Good Mornings, Tappy Toes, Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Runners Stretch and Squat Holds. Mosey to the Main Pavilion doing butt kickers, high knees and Karaoke on the way [Read More]

Feels Like NASCAR

It was indeed a great day to get up and workout in the early morning gloom! It was also YHC’s first time of leading a high tempo beatdown. So I had been looking forward to that, as well as receiving an FMJ camo koozie at the end, I’m not gonna lie! So after everyone arrived and stretched out: the runners came in, YHC gave the disclaimer, led the Pledge, and we were off! [Read More]

Picking up the Six...or...S****

Nine (+ 2 Ruckers) PAX made it out to Kryptonite for a Monday morning Q to begin prep for BRR 2021. Oofta screeched into the parking lot at the bell, and at 530 AM, we kicked off on-time with the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Half-mile jog around the amphitheater to the Symphony Lake Bridge with expected heckling from Burt and Flip (Fleep) Flop. Good Morning Calf stretches First » Nine’s at ABB parking lot/hill Finish trail and head across the street to ABB parking lot. [Read More]

Hemlock Bluffs Blair Witch

Several for extra credit, and 20 were there for the main event. No respects. We ran down the trail past the SWW turn and then crossed the creek into the woods and onto the Hemlock Bluffs trail. We ran all the trails in Hemlock Bluffs (well, almost all). Then we ran home. We did some push ups and squats and things along the way while waiting for the 6 to catch up. [Read More]

Honeycomb Hills

26 HIMs showed up today. This was my 2 year anniversary this week and this is original place i posted. Thank you Water Wings for bringing me out! Intro… Water Wings showed up late. 5 Burpees Pledge Mosey to the parking lot at Regency Woods for a warm up The Thang 7’s on the big hill (.2 downhill and .2 back up) We started with 6 Burpees at the top and 1 Burpee at the bottom Everyone finished this up and we set on a Washington run back to the flag Finished right on time… clocked 4. [Read More]

Modified As Necessary

YHC signed up over a week ago to Q Slippery When Wet and had my greatest Q to date, planned…then Thursday happened. A slight miscalculation on the cruiser bike sent me flying. A primarily upper body workout quickly transitioned to an all leg workout less than 15 hours from launch. Moving on….H.D. Ritter Park was open for business, the ECers came in, we get started with the disclaimer (most of it, I think) because there is an FNG present, the pledge was pledged and 19 of us took off for some new parking lots (for me, at least) on Crescent Green Drive. [Read More]