Hace Dos Anos

On some date in early to mid August, 2017, YHC showed up at Sovereign Grace Church on a Wednesday. An FNG. CHIPs from South Wake had been EH’ing me for a while, and I always had an excuse. Some excuses were more real than others. Anyway, the workout was hard and I kept coming back. Two days later I posted at Dante’s Peak, and was officially hooked. In celebration of this momentous occasion, 9 PAX showed up at Tortoises in the driving rain, under threat of thunderstorms, to help cap off year 2. [Read More]

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti HI

When: 07/24/2019 Twenty five PAX gathered at 5:30 AM at Tortoises, the limited-run AO. We had one FNG, started with the F3 disclaimer. Welcome to AUSFAHT who came back after his crash and recovery. First exercise Pledge of allegiance at the flag. Mosey around the parking lot and circle up in front of the church. Warm Up Performed warm-up exercises in cadence:10 Good Mornings, 10 Windmills, 10 Surfazio arm circles, 10 Reverse Surfazio arm circles, 10 Seal Claps, and 10 Side straddle hops. [Read More]

What the Hill

The day didn’t start just like any other day. The FartShat was oh so close, butt didn’t rear its ugly head till the drive home from work, but that’s another story. With BRR around the corner, 94 days to go, the training has begun for many newbies and veterans alike. And feeling a little behind the curve following last years nipple run, it’s time to get into hill shape. Warm Up jog around the parking lot and circle up for various warmup exercises including runners stretch. [Read More]