All The People

YHC has most recently led workouts that numbered three and four people, respectively. So I am not mentally prepared for the mass of humanity that descends on DTP this Tuesday morning. People keep pouring out of cars like Decal is handing out money or has an extra supply of gasoline. We need a slight change of plans to handle the crowd, but the show will go on. No FNGs. Pledge. [Read More]

We now call Fartsacking "Frisco-ing"

The featured image came directly from a Google image search for the word “Fartsack.” That is the highlight of this Claymore Q, since it featured the return of Notorious F.A.R.T. himself, @frisco! In classic Frisco style, we’re already warmed up and about to start Thang 1 by the time he rolls up in his Vespa-like eco-car. After we finished up our penalty burpees, the MC commenced and quite literally didn’t stop even though I could smell the merlot peaking up over the back of his tongue…alas, we got no merlot. [Read More]