May the 40s Be With You

To be honest the last thing I wanted to do today was get-up and workout. It was 28 degrees and I hate the cold. I have seen a lot of HIMs Q for their birthday so I jumped on the opportunity. I enjoy workouts that keep your heart rate up and build muscle and that was today’s goal. Exhaust the muscles to build the muscle. 5:30 hard start. No FNGs. First item on deck was the Pledge of Allegiance then onto a quick warm-up. [Read More]

Everyone gets a Trophy.

There was some extra incentive for outstanding performances at Rush Hour. Since YHC was left out of the awards in the Hill Climb Mafia (I still can’t believe I didn’t get a sticker or anything), I thought the Rush Hour PAX could use some disingenuous recognition. So trophies were presented. Everyone went home feeling good, whether they deserved it or not. There was no pizza party or orange slices after, but 2 stopped at Bond Brothers for a reward. [Read More]