August 2017 - Today

I said to the PAX at Tortoise today - I cannot imagine my life if I didn’t find F3 a short 5 years ago. It has meant so much to me, as I found new friends, pushed myself, laughed, looked outside myself, and pushed my boundaries. This workout was a celebration of those 5 years. The Workout There is no magic or mystery to a Red Ryder workout. Most of the time, you can count on hitting all the major muscle groups while you continue to move for 45 minutes. [Read More]

Be sure and log out

Sometimes things just fall neatly into place, and this weekend as I saw posts from F3 Grand Strand about their brother HIghtower, I hopped over to the Q sheet and marveled at my good fortune that Claymore was open. Load up the hatchback with some goodies and away we go. One year ago this weekend, PFC Jacob Hancher of the Myrtle Beach PD was killed in the line of duty. He was known to his F3 Grand Strand brothers as Hightower: [Read More]

Leg Day, All Day

It’s A Team and this is my backblast. Pledge of Allegiance then… Warm Up Mosey to the parking lot by the tennis courts. Circle up for Sir Fazio arm circles, Overhead claps, Steve Earles, and some runners/calf/hamstring/hip stretching. All the Thangs First, go to the traffic circle by the picnic area. Partner up. Partner 1 does El Capitan around the circle. Partner 2 runs around the opposite direction. Each time you meet, 10 merkins and then switch. [Read More]

Alright, Alright, Alright!

Without a doubt, that’s the phrase that comes to mind when I think of Dazed and Confused. However, the PAX were none of that - they came raring to go! We had some great mumblechatter in the parking lot beforehand in throughout and it was great to have a couple new and relatively new to F3 PAX. Here’s what went down; We started with the disclaimer, but also planted a seed for safety (to be revisited at COT). [Read More]

Rush Hour 2 Electric Boogaloo

This is a backblast that YHC is writing a month or so late as I got caught up in Snowbird’s March Madness Challenge in Raleigh and Backblasts got put on the Back-burner. Workout Date: 03/30/21 Raleigh March Madness update… Boitano Qed Broga while I was Qing Monday Murph, so a wash on points there. I’ve got this in the bag except for the FNG wildcard. After racking my brain Sunday night and Monday morning, I was able to get a potential FNG to say he would come out. [Read More]

No Mehs

Warm-Up Mosey over to the bank and circle up for warm-up. Hard to recall all of them but I’m pretty sure we did 4 burpess and 20 arm circles. The Thang Mosey safely across Chatham Street and make our way down Academy Street doing five monkey humpers at the odd light poles and ten merkins at the even light poles. Sevens at the Art Center, V-ups at the bottom of the stairs, bear crawl up the stairs, LBCs at the top, mosey down via the ramps on the sides. [Read More]

Rush Hour in the Rain

I just realized while working on this backblast that Rush “Hour” is only 45 minutes. I’m sure I’m late to the party on that one… YHC is on a Q quest this year. I’d been toying with Qing in Carpex for a few weeks, but was hesitant to “break the seal”. Ragnarok was my first Carpex Q, but Rush Hour was the first Carpex Q that I scheduled (after The Trudge asked me to release this morning’s Q in Raleigh). [Read More]

This ain't Curves boys

Nothing like the good ole days, when Yogi comes in hot from an EC run which alone should get one worried. He did not disappoint. Warmup: SSH Thang: 10 rounds with Tyson: (Merkins, WWII, Squats, Wide grip merkins, LBC, sumo squats, Diamond merkins, Big Boy situp, Prisoner Squat, Burpees) As heard during the workout, round 8, “This ain’t Curves boys, there is no way you guys got all your prisoner squats in. [Read More]

PHAT Tuesday

22 brave men and 2 brave dogs assembled in beautiful downtown Cary on the most glorious evening of the year. Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot in front of Page Walker, past the pocket park, to the parking lot next to the tracks and circle up for various warm-up exercises. I think one of them was burpees. The Thang Mosey safely across the street to the little hill behind the Chamber of Commerce for 7&7. [Read More]

Old School

A perfect 10 showed up on the coldest morning of the year. Warm-Up Mosey to the bottom lot for warm-up, including Sir Fazio arm circles, done Clockwork style, and a few burpees to calm the chatter. The Thang Mosey across the street to the little hill for sevens, burpees at the bottom, bear crawl up, jump squats at the top, mosey back down. Mosey back across the street to the picnic tables for Dora. [Read More]