Prime time

Not that type of Prime. Warm up 1 x jog around the pickle. (Is 1 a prime? Apparently not - we’ll get to that later). 19 x SSH: At this point things started to get rocky. Lots of mumblechatter spread evenly between the 5 other PAX clouded their counting ability. 7 reverse lunges per side: Rockier. Should have said stay one one leg for 7 then switch. 11 tempo merkins, 3 down 1 up. [Read More]

Putting the Danger in Dangerzone

The weather Friday was definitely going to play havoc on YHC’s plans. Lots and lots of rain was called for. Even the stalwarts were Slacking (presumably from the safety of their thrones) their concerns come 5AM. I had had all kinds of musical plans in the works! Well, weather be damned. We were going to at least Bring Sally Up! Checking my Weather app and seeing a short break in the deluge at 520, I put on my shoes and booked for the welcoming embrace of North Cary Park a bit early. [Read More]

Danger Zone Hills with Pain Deck

Date: 3/6/2020 Warm-up: GM, daisy pickers, Sir Fazio, calf stretches with CFM and Eskimo merkins. Thang 1 Hill work with pain cards in between Spades - anvil Hearts - hand release burpees Diamonds - Merkins Clubs - Steve Earls Aces- PAX called ab exercise Thang 2 Mosey over to the rock pile for some global warming and rock work. Thang 3 Mosey to the soccer field for suicides. Mosey to the flag for 150s and have a nice day. [Read More]

Inclined to sprint

Warm up Twas a chilly morning and YHC knew there would be some tight hams around so elected to pledge then go for a longer warm up jog than the customary pickle and a half: Out of the car park, left on Norwell, left on NW Cary, left into the trees (lights on), immediately left up the steps and then along the little used, slightly dangerous, trail back to the bottom of the car park. [Read More]

Three Years

I’ve been in F3 for almost as long as I’ve been a dad! That percentage of time will just keep growing, mehopes. Here’s a look back at the last three V-days with F3-JP: 2019 2018 2017 (best I could do. Raleigh’s only written 3 BBs this year, as an indication) FNG Check - Mission and Disclaimer - Follow Me! Simple plan today: Find the Black Creek Greenway and head north. We’ll stop along the way for decreasing sets of Merkins and Squats (with one set of LBCs in there while the Nan’tan confirmed that our 6 was actually bruising). [Read More]


22 men decided to start their week off right at Wolverine, where we attempted to force our collective Garmin watches to register some anaerobic benefit of a workout while logging few miles for my recently-post-long-run knees. And we succeeded with a custom-built Tabata-timed work out featuring only ONE thang, repeated three times. Each exercise was 45-seconds AMRAP, with 15 seconds to transition onward. Hand-release Merkin Flutter Squat Australian Snow Angel [Read More]

A Little Something for Everyone

Ima be real honest here. DZ is not a site a frequent that often. It’s a damn haul from my house in the POGL. But in 2020, YHC is gonna do better about getting to sites that are not in my normal rotation. And since we’re being real here, that’s a pretty good problem to have here in Carpex. This thing is BLOWING UP! So after I barely made my connecting flight, I arrived at North Cary park with plenty of time to spare. [Read More]

The Real Sumo Squat

Pre-Blast 21 for 3.2 miles of pearls on a string at Krypto The Warmup & Thang Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Turn left out of the lot onto Regency. Run up to Enderlee pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Left on Enderlee. Run down to Regency pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Run to the parking lot hill pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. [Read More]

Cluster 1 of 20

14 men, inlcuding an FNG - Rob Hann - hereafter named Shoe Horn, participated in a fitness event at North Cary Park otherwise known Danger Zone. It was 49 degrees, a little damp and otherwise a nice morning. The group gathered at the flag for small talk. BTW: Several men, perhaps Flacco and Rob were in the the old Site Q’s (me) parking spot. Tighten up. Disclaimer. Disclaimer and Notice F3 Nation, Inc. [Read More]

DZ - Part Deux

The second last minute switch of the morning as Burt had injured his finger opening cans of pre-mixed egg nog and bourbon seltzer, or something. Once the PAX who could only take the warm up part of DZ had left, Wrench, Free Lunch and YHC did a quick mosey to the end of the car park for some good mornings (5), daisy pickers (10) and eskimo merkins (1 - 10 count). [Read More]