New Year, new SNS

After a rousing start to 2019 at the 1/1 convergence, it was great to see 32 more PAX lined up to continue getting after it in ‘19. No FNGs, you all know how this works, so let’s go.Quick turn at the end of Billy Run Road back to the parking lot, circle up: SSH x20 IW x19 Standard merkin x20 Mountain climber x19 Thang Count off by threes and mosey to. [Read More]

Head-to-Toe, Let Yourself Swoll, Slow and Low that is the Tempo

On a balmy and moist December morn, a handful of PAX gathered at Danger Zone to slow down, take a deep breath, and ready themselves to finish up an amazing year in Carpex. While others may opt for a quicker pace, YHC decided it was time to slow down and focus on form and strength. Some of the toughest workouts I’ve endured featured tempo Merkins and long-hold planks, so I thought I’d put together a workout of nothing but Slow and Low exercises. [Read More]

The Making of A Champion

The idea for this workout just fell into my lap. On Tuesday, there was some debate on Slack about what it takes to be a champion. Some would posit that showing up and staying makes you a champion. YHC would posit that deciding to get up at butt crack of dawn to attend a workout and sticking around is laudable, but is just a prerequisite to becoming a champion. Since YHC is the QIC, YHC gets to decide what constitutes a champion. [Read More]

A Murph Each Week Keeps You At Your Peak


  • 21 HIM joined YHC for a Murph at Wolverine.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run like 10 yards, circle up for: GM, Windmills, SSH.

The Thang

  • Do a Murph.
  • Run back to the flag.
  • Stretch.


  • Welcome FNG, Krusty!

Fired up for some Turkey!

Wednesday morning’s are always a high energy affair with Insomnia runners coming in and the Vesper and SNS crowd ready to kill it. Add to that the pre-holiday excitement, temps near freezing and anticipation of Kitty’s upcoming Thanksgiving extravaganza, New Year’s Eve in Times Square had nothing on the 34 gathered at the Senior Center this morning! At the crack of 5:45, the Vesper’s headed out to explore new trails and the SNS crowd got after it. [Read More]

Cadence Count Cluster warm up followed by flawless Thangs

The morning may have gotten off to a rocky start but we finished strong by doing over 2 miles and honoring our beloved Bojangles Warm up 10 Good mornings, followed by 20 or so SSH’s followed by a failed attempt to do imperial walkers in cadence Thang 1 - Moseyed down to the lower parking lot and did Bojangles with Blueberries. 3 laps around the pickle with 5 burpeee’s after lap 1, 10 burpee’s after lap 2 and 15 burpee’s after lap 3. [Read More]

The Mag Mile

A beautifully clear day at Wolverine. 5:30 in the morning - 50 degrees. Moon is clear and stars are out. Had an aggressive plan for this morning, but 31 PAX showed up for a beatdown, so I had to adjust. I had planned for a Track & Field event, but ended up with only the track - well, I have my next Q tee’d up. We ran The Magnificent Mile - Nicknamed “The Mag Mile”. [Read More]

A Near-Maximum Effort

Late last night as YHC was preparing to go downtown Apex to celebrate a friends Bday Hello Kitty DMs me and proposes the idea that we split up the pax where he Q them for half the workout and YHC would have the other half then we switch. Knowing I was not going downtown to drink milk the idea of a little help was attractive. The birthday was appropriately celebrated and YHC was left with just a few hours to sleep it off before my Q. [Read More]

Some tea for Dora

Over 70 Pax showed up for the Odyssey only two days ago, and after six AO’s and 11.5 miles of total distance covered….rest assured there would be some sore pax by this morning. Would it be possible to hit a muscle group that wouldn’t be sore already? Let’s see….. Wait, what tha hell is this hard clear stuff on my windshield?!?!?! Frost?! Weather channel said 36 degrees!!!! After the truck warmed up enough to get that melted, I headed to the AO for a little EC Odyssey recovery run with Ollie. [Read More]


30+ Pax found a way to get to Bond Park Senior Center today between the hours of 0430 and 0545. Some arrived that early for #TheMaynard, others a little later for #Insomnia, and picking up the 6 were those ready for a #Beatdown or a #Vesper run. For those that couldn’t make it a new(ish) F3 Lexicon word was discovered by YHC during a recent 43Feet podcast. Some guys faced certain circumstances; work, family, scheduling, issues and had to fartsack. [Read More]