School's out for winter

If you’ve lived in this area for more than 5 years, you know the story. If it snows on Day 1… expect Day 5 to still be a snow day. And so it was in Wake County this weekend. It snowed (barely) Thursday night so Friday was naturally a snow day. Then came a solid dumping Friday night followed by two days of beautiful, snowy and generally above freezing temps on Saturday and Sunday. [Read More]

5 Years of F3 Sn2Fe Style

As many eye rolls and sighs of exasperation YHC received last night for, arguably, emphasizing the “DA” in HIDA with this Q, it was gonna happen. Not to get all sappy with y’all but there is very little I can say I have been doing - and loving - for five years and running. Yes, the 1st brings us out but truly it is the 2nd that keeps us coming … and growing … and building off each other. [Read More]

Expanding The Nares

YHC drove all around Koka Booth looking for the F3 Carpex workout site known as Kryptonite. Couldn’t find it. No Shovel Flag in site. Finally saw some EC runners, so followed them to the Kryptonite parking lot. No Shovel Flag. No site Qs. Definitely felt like an F3 Raleigh site. That is until YHC opened his car door: door was hardly ajar when Largemouth and Hermes started talking smack to YHC. [Read More]

Disco beat me to it. So did Flip.

Sunday night planning my Monday morning A-Team Q, I noted on the map that Laurel Park Elementary is super close by. I’ve been with CARPEx for almost 6 years and have never been to Laurel Park. “Time for a first,” thinks I. Meet up with Flip Flop and Two Factor for an EC run. Head into the park as per usual but after running the regular long lollipop, Flip takes out of the park and to the right. [Read More]

Double Nickles Pickles

Sixteen HIMs showed up at Danger Zone to help YHC celebrate his 55th trip around the sun. A glorious morning, with the temp at 47° according to the Disco Duck-mobile. EC runners come rolling in and after some light mumble chatter it’s time to get started. Warm Up Windmills x 11 IC SSH x 11 IC Sir Fazio/Fazio Sir x 11 each IC Hillbillies x 11 IC Standard Merkins x 11 OMD (shout out to Saban for the reminder of “starting position, move” Thang 1: P-I-C-K-L-E-S At each end of the pickle, do the following, repeating the previous exercises each time: [Read More]

Q School

First, let me start with what we did NOT do. I got a little flustered right at the start as I was introducing myself to Backporch only to realize that it was already 5:45 on the ol’ Garmin. You can’t be tardy to Q School! Let’s Go! So here’s what you missed… a quiz about the formerly most famous Q of them all. Q Nowadays the anonymous Q is probably more famous but for men of a Meh-generation… and of a particularly nerdy disposition… this guy was the man! [Read More]

Watch out for roots! This is Danger Zone.

Did everyone bring a headlight? Close enough. “Why did Coxswain say to bring headlight when he doesn’t have one on himself?” Que lights clipped onto my waist band like I’m Data in Goonies! Warm Up: Merkins (Yes, we started with merkins!) LBCs Imperial Walkers Good Mornings Side Straddle Hop more Merkins and then we’re off running Thang: Cross the street, not at a crosswalk, but there weren’t any cars coming so it was safe! [Read More]

Agility City (and Nose Breathing)

Seriously, Gran Torino has gone to pot. Remember when some of the PAX joked on Slack that DangerZone needed an overhaul. “Make DZ Great Again”, the PAX said. But it was a joke. Gran Turdino is in a downward spiral. For real. It’s out of whack and in need of repair. In short, they needed me to Make GT Great Again, and that’s exactly what I did. Honestly, I didn’t realize how whack Gran Turdino had become. [Read More]

Virtue of the bored

Punctuality is a key part of our culture here within F3 CARPEx. Case in point, we start on time, we end on time and we even have an official Region timekeeper: Saban. I am not aware of any other Regions that take punctuality so seriously. Even when Saban is not around, if a workout goes long, inevitably someone will mention Saban being unhappy. Suffice it to say, “Don’t be late” might as well be our subheader. [Read More]

Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Weather: clear, brisk 29 degrees. Scene at 5:43 a.m.: 16 dudes gathered around (a couple even performed Insomnia before the Main Event). YHC was standing in the center of the circle on his used-new Flip Flop door mat gifted from Burt. One of the 16 dudes was FNG Anthony, EH’d by Captain Kirk, who rode in on his 10 speed. There stood FNG Anthony; holding a water bottle, and dressed very warmly in 4 layers up top, and 3 layers down low (as you would if you just biked in 29 degree weather). [Read More]