It's a Jungle at Lion's Den

7 at A-Team. 18 at DTP. 25!! at Lion’s Den. Difficult to scale, and I’m learning a lot still. 0530: Several mallwalkers and motherruckers out with the bootcampers this morning. An EC runner or two.All assembled, no FNGs, lots of familiar faces, Pledge of Allegiance, statement that we’ll keep pretty close to the flag, and we immediately have to move (too many pax for the first exercise). First was a follow-me to the coziest spot in Peak City for some Good Mornings (missed you Big Red). [Read More]

Ryder-versary Volume 2

Is the sequel better than the original? Well I can’t judge that. Dante’s Peak is the 2nd place I ever posted, so it’s a traditional stop on the anniversary tour. True story - YHC was EH’d by CHiPs from South Wake. I posted at Tortoises first time, and didn’t tell him I was going. Just texted afterwards, and told him I was going to go to DP if I survived the first time. [Read More]

March Madness!

It was a beautiful morning, Mid 50s and nice and dry! Chiquita Banana and Fiddle showed up a full 1 minute early even beating a rucking Flenderson by a full 30 seconds! Thang 1 Mosey around to the front of the church. It’s such a beautiful spot, have to do our warmups there! Good mornings Calf stretches Runners stretch Hill Billys x 15 Merkins Regular x 10 Diamond x 10 Wide grip x 10 Ranger x 10 Regular x 10 Puddles was not a fan of the 50 merkins. [Read More]

Kettlebell & Coffee on a Monday Morning!

Looking to wrap up the year stronger than I started I felt it was time to lift heavy things with a group of 23 others HIM. That along with the promise for some trunk coffee and perhaps the need to check off a few last boxes brought me out to Hells Bell’s this AM YHC gave disclaimer, searched for FNGS and with non present we started with the pledge then mozy the pickle and starting with [Read More]

12 reflections on 1 year with F3 Carpex

Several Pax have asked what I’ve learned over this past year, and several more have asked how much weight I’ve lost. YHC thought a blog post was in order, and considered alternatively entitling this, How to become a HIM of the month before your first-year anniversary, but we all know that’s just a teacher’s pet game, sooo… (Just kidding, it was actually a very pleasant surprise & honor. Besides, we know that can’t be true because Suck UP hasn’t been named HOTM yet. [Read More]

A Stroll Down Charlie Gaddy Lane

AO: Bradford’s Ordinary Workout Date: 08/12/21 Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) Jacob’s Ladder on Waldo 2) 5s on Charlie Gaddy Lane (jump squats/star jumps) for the retired WRAL Action News 5 legend 3) Number of the Beast down Academy to appease/quiet the mumble chatter Mary: A variety of ab exercises. COT: 17 PAX (14 bootcampers, 3 walkers/ruckers) [Read More]

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

And it was ushered in by perfect gloom temps of approximately 68 degrees. For the PAX who decided to wake up this morning and head to the most galactic of AOs in all of Carpex this side of Tatooine, not only were they greeted with amazing weather, they got to start their day with a beatdown of collegiate football caliber (kind of). After all, with college football kicking off today, it was only fitting (and YHC always leads at least 2 football-themed beatdowns per season to commemorate summer camp season and kickoff). [Read More]

Breaking news: Men with maces running around town can't even properly disturb the peace

Despite tools made to crumble cement, a group of men wearing odd sweatbands who descended upon poor, fair POGL failed to break a single window. Although passersby described the group as “sweaty” and “out-of-breath,” no demolition dust or other typical signs of modern-day peaceful protests were observed. Chants included reciting the (American) pledge and closing in prayer. No posters observed, but many bumper stickers with an F3 logo have given reporters a hot lead to follow. [Read More]

The Rules and Proper Nutrition

Back almost 4 years ago when I first got initiated in this group (not a cult) that we know as F3, our little group in Carpex was a lot smaller. At that point, I think a full schedule was 2-3 AOs on most days. As it stands now in July 2021, we are more like 7-8 AOs five days per week, as well as several Saturday options and a plethora of EC opportunities. [Read More]

Substitute Teacher

AO: Hot For Teacher Workout Date: 06/17/21 YHC is starting to hit the Carpex and South Wake AOs pretty hard. I’m excited to make it to the wonderfully-named Hot For Teacher. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs (0), and give the disclaimer Pledge of Allegiance Mosey to entry traffic loop for warmups: Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC) Good Morning x5 IC Imperial Walker x20 IC Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x10 IC, reverse x10 IC [Read More]