Everything that needed to be said was already said

This BB is superfluous so it will be short. Everything that needed to be said about Friday’s #DazedAndConfused Q was said beautifully by @LuckyCharms on slack. So this is merely a placeholder to document the PAX present and to pass out a quick praise. Warm-up: lap and typically warm up stuff Thang 1: animal related moves up the grassy knoll (bear crawls… gorilla hops… duck walks) with stuff at the top [Read More]

Crawlbear Kettlebell Backtracking

YHC hadn’t Q’d a kettlebell workout before, but the pressure was lifted when I learned that neither Site Qs Triple Lindy or Wahoo would be there. YHC brought the keurig and Theismann brought the flag, we were all set. No FNGs, so pledge and down to business. Warm up Mosey around parking lots SSH IC x12 Windmills IC x12 Imperial Walkers IC x12 SF FWD + Seal Clap + SF BWD + OH Claps + Hallelujah’s IC x12 ea Thang 1 - Crawlbear Kettlebell Backtracks I was planning a tabata, but then I came across a kettlebell flow that inspired me to come up with what I’m calling the Crawlbear Kettlebell Backtrack. [Read More]