Decades Day 3: FOD 60's

YHC’s anniversary tour continues at Field of Dreams. Theme today is ‘60’s. Fantastic playlist in queue plus this is usually a well-attended AO, so especially excited for this one and arrived 30 min early to reacquaint myself to the site. Overflow had his earbuds in expecting a solo EC - he ended up joining YHC along with Sunshine and PBX for a couple miles - great mumblechatter as to be expected with 75% Steves. [Read More]


YHC was looking forward to some heavy rain this morning, unfortunately it held off. The rain wasn’t there, but Peirogi was, and almost on time. Warm-Up Mosey around to the back of the school and circle up for imperial walkers, daisy pickers, arm circles, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and burpees. The Thang Mosey over to the building with the stairs and count off 1s and 2s. A few rounds of one group climbing the stairs while the other group alternates hand release merkins and monkey humpers. [Read More]

TP flyby

Today was really all about the warm up. And the fly-by. But more on that one bit later. First the warm-up. Rolled into Cornerstone church several minutes early and took a run over to the cemetery for some hill. Singular. Back just in time to grab the speaker, turn on some NIN radio, and greet the crew. No FNGs. Two FNG2M. Never met them before. Glad to know Jeter and Charmin. [Read More]

Something about a blossom

We ended today’s COT with Pivot saying something profound about a blossom. But I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. It was something like “even if you can’t flower, you can smell the blossom”. I know that’s not it but it was something like that. Or maybe it wasn’t. But it definitely had the word “blossom” in the quote. Probably. Today’s Measure Twice was something like a Measure Thrice. [Read More]

An(Un)limited MASH Run?

Dang it. It’s 4:45am and I’m awake. With 75 mins to kill before the the 6am start time of over at MASH I’m torn on what to do. Who am I kidding, no I’m not! I get up, get dressed and head over to the AO for a lil 1.5EC. Some time passes and 14 other HIM show up and join me for some fun stuff… starting with the disclaimer (1 FNG) and the Pledge [Read More]

FOD Old Timers Club

You know what we did and all of you are old timers as Beaker noted in Slack. Those that didn’t attend don’t need to know the details, but here is a summary: 4 corners throughout the park. Run, chest and shoulders, run, core, run, legs, run, practice what we learned. NMS Only Beaker kept this from being 100% respect Franklin convinced me to get there early to start with FOD run club and get in a 2-mile EC before the workout. [Read More]

It Gets Harder as it Gets Easier

As I’ve been saying for a while now, I think I got spoiled by the seemingly extended warm weather we had this year. Cause now you can really notice the cold thats here now. This was certainly the case this past Tuesday as YHC ventured out to Q Field of Dreams. Which was the last of the different Tues/Thurs workouts I had planned to Q this year! 19 Pax in total made it out to the site, though the runners were already long gone by the time the bootcamp began. [Read More]


Perfect morning to start at #Whoville. Cool and calm. @Clementine brought the flag and long sleeves. The location brought inspiration for a Candyland theme workout. Started of a little rough. YHC is still new to all of this. No FNGs – I asked and no one claimed to be an FNG – deserved mumble. Pledge. Run to the light – all 50 yards. Warm up and stretching with some reminder on how to play Candyland. [Read More]

"Breathe" is yoga speak for DBB

4 Beige Bros for an EC run 0530 Welcome our FNG and off we go for a 3.25 mile run 0600 Yoga **COT **Odyssey is on for this year. More details to come Prayers for Parker & his family with the loss of their dog, Chewey’s recovery from back surgery and all the kids/teacher/parents starting school today Easiest BB I ever wrote. Forgot to read my quote this morning, but here’s one from Confucious [Read More]

5 poles, 5 laps, no gloves

13 PAX joined for a whirlwind Andy Hill workout in the moist air. Mumble was low, sweat was high. Warm Up Good morning Squats Imperial walker Daisy picker Thang 1 5 poles Jump squat Monkey Humpers V ups Hillbilly Star jump 5 laps Backward run Lunge walk Shuffle Right Broad jump Shuffle Left Thang 2 2 steps backward - then 5 squats 1 step forward - then 5 LBC Mary [Read More]