Accountability Revisited

Accountability - sign up for the Q slot after a long week out of town to ensure that you post. Accountability revisited - repeat of before, so why not repeat the workout. Hard to believe that we did this back in February 2018 the first time. There were several modifications though since was my first running Q after recovery and with Green Mile down the road our hi tempo guys had an additional option. [Read More]

The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything....

YHC didn’t sleep very soundly the night before Q-ing at Phoenix, and wasn’t sure why - perhaps the anticipation of clocking another year old and wiser (?) or perhaps the gnawing feeling of a half planned Q. Whatever the reason, I found myself wide awake at 5, so used the time constructively to complete the Q plan and put in a solid 45 minutes of EC around the beautiful Bond Park……by 06:25 there were only a couple of other PAX beginning to form a rather anaemic looking circle in the senior center parking lot…. [Read More]