55/2 - Birthiversary - Core

As we continued in Geek Week celebrating my 55th BDay and 2 year anniversary in F3, we focused on core. At the end of it all we did 240 reps of random core exercises plus some extras all while covering over 2.5 miles. Well done men! Warm up Good morning Side twists LBC Low/slow flutter kicks Side bends Thang 1 - Ladder work Starting point - 10 LBC 1st light - 10 Box cutter 2nd light - 10 WWII 3rd light - 10 Hello Dolly 4th light - 10 Homer to Marge 5th light - 10 T-Bone Thang 2 - 5s on the hill [Read More]

55/2 - Birthiversary - Chest/Bicep

Today we continue with Geek Week celebrating my 55th BDay and 2 year Anniversary in F3. 17 endured chest and biceps plus a few walkers. When all was said and done, including all exercises, we did 174 merkins and 80 rock curls. Way to go men! Warm up Good morning Fazio arm circles, overhead clap, seal clap 10 CFM Merkins 5+5+2 Burpees Thang 1 - Ladder work Starting point - 10 Merkins 1st light- 10 Hand release merkins 2nd light- 10 Big rock Curls 3rd light- 10 Small rocks side curls 4th light- 10 Small rocks chest flies 5th light- 10 Inchworm merkins Thang 2 - 5s on the hill [Read More]

Best Estimate in the Circus

March 5, 2020, it’s a perfect day for a morning workout, and for YHC’s VQ at FC. Thanks to Pivot for signing me up, it’d probably take me much longer to make up my mind even though it had been mentioned to me a couple times recently. Slight jitter to start as YHC did not have a lot of time to go through the Q plan that was made up the day before, but knew the structure’s there. [Read More]