Counting is Overrated.

1-4-2022 AO-Rush Hour 2 PAX EC run with stairs, 1 PAX Ruck EC. 2 Minute Warning; Welcome; My modified Disclaimer (; Core Beliefs; Mission Statement; Pledge. No FNG’s. Warm Up: Mosey around Town of Cary Campus: SSH & Good Evenings Nice and slow. Mosey. Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Calf Stretch. Mosey Sir Fazio’s, Seal Claps. First time I lost track of the count Thang 1: Blockorama Block Taylor Webbs Blocks from FRED Block Taylor Webbs: 1 squat; 1 L/R lunge walk; 1 upright row; 1 overhead press. [Read More]

Lonnie Anderson and Zombies

This is the kind of morning we are having. Extra Crispy shows up to SNS after a 2 year hiatus. Burt introduces himself as Burt Reynolds. ViewMaster comments that he once worked on Burt Reynolds’ horse farm in Florida and got to hang out with Lonnie Anderson. Burt has a minor cardiac event at the very mention of Lonnie’s name. I have to stop Burt from helping himself to Coffeteria before the workout starts. [Read More]

Finding FNGs at the 7-11

A crisp and beautiful Saturday morning at Bond. No FNGs. YHC points out that there were 2 FNGs at SWW just yesterday, but I haven’t had one since before the pandemic. Pledge. Mosey across the park to the parking lot by the boathouse. 7 GM IC 15 IW IC 10 Daisy Pickers IC Calf Stretch with 15 Merkins x 2 Runners Stretch Mosey back to the kiosk for the start of 7-11’s. [Read More]