You never forget your first

Steaks said there were no Beaver Chase backblasts and someone needed to write one. Well, I accepted the challenge and will take my place in Carpex history on Wordpress as the writer of the very first Beaver Chase backblast! As I drove in this morning, I got stuck at a light after trying to stretch out before I left…cutting it close! I got there with 3 minutes to spare but Mandolin was already sending me texts to make sure I was there. [Read More]

Counting is Overrated.

1-4-2022 AO-Rush Hour 2 PAX EC run with stairs, 1 PAX Ruck EC. 2 Minute Warning; Welcome; My modified Disclaimer (; Core Beliefs; Mission Statement; Pledge. No FNG’s. Warm Up: Mosey around Town of Cary Campus: SSH & Good Evenings Nice and slow. Mosey. Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Calf Stretch. Mosey Sir Fazio’s, Seal Claps. First time I lost track of the count Thang 1: Blockorama Block Taylor Webbs Blocks from FRED Block Taylor Webbs: 1 squat; 1 L/R lunge walk; 1 upright row; 1 overhead press. [Read More]

Al Carmichael & College Football Trivia

Albert Reinhold Carmichael, for whom this Q was named, was an American football player whom “holds the distinction of scoring the first touchdown in American Football League history…”[1] 12 men gathered in the gloom on Friday, Aug 20th at Dazed and Confused to pay tribute via two Al Carmichael-themed exercises. The group convened, heard the F3 mission and disclaimer, and recited the pledge. Warm up: Brief mosey, Good Mornings, Sir Fazzios, Reverse-Fazzios, Michael Phelps OYO, Imperial Walkers, and Side Straddle Hops. [Read More]