It was a wheelbarrow of a time with Merkins, taboot! Luckily, QIC/YHC had extra gloves for those who showed up in the gloom without any.

Date: 9/5/19 PAX: Butt Fumble, Cataracts, Chicken Little, FNG Dreamliner, Frisco, Glow, Headroom, Oxtail, Prosecco, QueeQueg, Qwerty, Shipper, Slappy, Smithers, Taxi Driver, Wahoo, WWW The morning was beautiful with a comfortable 70 degrees. As the PAX showed up, I asked those who did not have any gloves as they stepped out of their chariot, why no gloves? Luckily, QIC/YHC was prepared and handed those without gloves extra gloves that I did have. [Read More]

9/7/2017 Callahan, Coney, Goose, Parker, Katniss, Water Wings, (unknown), Smokey, Pet Sounds, Pickles, Disco Duck, Term Paper, Snots, Sosa, Chanticleer, Ma Bell, Dreamliner, Beaner, Earhart, Joe Smith, Angry Elf, Half, Coxswain There weren’t many TTs on TTT but there were 24 PAX that showed up to be lead by Coxswain with a quick start promptly at 5:45 over to the bank for warm-up. Warm-up: This began with 15 Good mornings signaled in true Coxswain fashion with “STROKE! [Read More]

Dreamin' of DangerZone

YHC/QIC rolled up to Danger Zone to see 13 men awaiting in the Gloom. True Gloom too: moderately dense fog settling over the men and the shovel flag, and mild cool brisk air. I really needed to consult with one of the site Qs, but alas, there was no sight Q in site. Burt exclaimed he was an old site Q and offered his guidance. I was unsure if he utilized the adjective “old” meaning ‘former’ or ‘age’, but nonetheless I absolutely declined any guidance from Burt. [Read More]