We'll take it from here, Cardinal

Early Thursday morning, YHC was stirring and came across the news of young Taylor Phelps, F3 Cardinal, out of Knoxville TN, who had horribly passed away during his Virgin Q (VQ) at a workout on 1/11/23. For Thursday’s workout, I incorporated one small element of his planned workout, 15 double count Freddy Mercury’s. We did them at the very end of our workout, and after the workout was over, I shared that his planned workout looked extremely hard, and I would be hesitant to try it. [Read More]

F3 Carpex 6th Annual CSAUP, The Odyssey

93 PAX and 2.0’s descended on Downtown Cary for the 6th annual CARPEX Odyssey. Special thanks to Bogo and Badlands for doing the heavy lifting on the Q for this event, and to PetSounds for crushing the SAG Q and post-race 2nd F. Also thanks to all of the SAG support volunteers, Site Q’s, shirt designers, and inspirational musical selections. On to the workout…Rooney kicked us off with an opening prayer and then handed it off to Badlands for the warmup at the home of BO. [Read More]

No Fooling Around

23 Fools helped YHC celebrate 43 years. Following the welcome, disclaimer, and pledge we warmed up the hammies with some high kicks, butt kickers, and imperial walkers. We proceeded to Mosey with Bruisers continuing the butt kickers and high knees and runners taking a stroll around the new coffeteria location in Amberly. THANG 1: We warmed up with a series of exercises and stretches to get us ready for 7s on the hill with Copperhead Merkins at the top and monkey humpers at the bottom. [Read More]

Who's Your Uncle?

The Back Story After fifteen hours of rain from Tropical Storm Elsa, the skies parted and left a beautiful Carpex just ready for something special – YHC’s first Q. And what an auspicious occasion it was! I knew I took a long time to finally get to this place and there were a lot of guys that encouraged, pushed, and flat-out razzed me to get here. Thank you all for that. [Read More]


YHC was looking forward to some heavy rain this morning, unfortunately it held off. The rain wasn’t there, but Peirogi was, and almost on time. Warm-Up Mosey around to the back of the school and circle up for imperial walkers, daisy pickers, arm circles, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and burpees. The Thang Mosey over to the building with the stairs and count off 1s and 2s. A few rounds of one group climbing the stairs while the other group alternates hand release merkins and monkey humpers. [Read More]

Slow and Low, That is the Tem-po

AO: M.A.S.H. Workout Date: 06/18/21 I’ve spent way too much time trying to find some M.A.S.H.-related themes for this backblast, and sorry, boys, it ain’t happening. This is my fourth Q of the week, and M.A.S.H.’s late start (on a Friday!) was right up my alley this morning. I set my alarm for thirty minutes later and still moved it another thirty minutes when I woke in the middle of the night. [Read More]

West to Winterfell

AO: Winterfell Workout Date: 05/24/21 The Wake County geography doesn’t quite overlay with fictional Westeros for me to claim I am going over the proverbial wall between Raleigh and Carpex. I do recall Winterfell being on the west side of Westeros, so I’ll go with that. It was a bit of a drive for me this morning, but not too bad (22 minutes or so). After The Farm on Saturday, I didn’t even think about it. [Read More]

It adds up

EC Showed up a bit before 5:30 thinking that FOD was an early start time. Then remembered that FOD is old school. 5:45AM Start old school. Luckily Gump was in the parking lot just waiting to put on some more miles. The man finished his first marathon Sunday and he’s already looking for some EC?! Crazy. We got in a couple miles in ~15 minutes. I would have taken him back to the flag the long way but Gump talked me out of it. [Read More]

Wild Wild West Weather

Oh, how I love the weather fluctuations here in the land of Carpex. One week its Winter, a week later Spring and then Fall once again. This morning didn’t disappoint with a solid 48f to start the morning with the traveling “Circus” in tow. With no FNG’s, we started with the pledge. Mozy around large parking lot which included: Karaoke Butt kickers backwards run Back to the flag for warmups which consisted of [Read More]

What can I do with a football field??

Loved the fact that we have spring football! Wanted to leverage the amazing field and track at Flying Circus on this fine spring morning! 14 total gathered, here’s the quick & dirty regarding what did happen….5:45 hits & we say the mission & pledge, begin mosey to the stadium…. but, whoops! SUV coming in on two wheels & everyone knows exactly who that is …. alter the plan to loop through the parking lot to give said HIM a chance to get out & join up. [Read More]