Vanilla on the rocks, with a splash of mist

Six men gathered in the purest of A-Team conditions: raining and 50 and a closed gate. Those of you who frequent A-Team know of what I say. Apex Cheddar Bo (since we now have an official Carpex Cheddar Bo) rarely shows up by 0545, and certainly not when God graces this earth with a cleansing rain. And man, that seems to happen about 3 out of every 4 A-Teams. With YHC’s knees aching from last week’s wind-sprint-o-rama at BH (courtesy of YHC’s ego), and with bone-on-bone Billy, a nice, leisurely pace was set for the warm-up. [Read More]

Carpex at Cletus

When: January 19th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: 187, Pikachu, Lucky Charms, DoubleD, Term Paper, Disco Duck, Banjo, Shut-In, Banana Seat, Puddles, Slide Rule, Dog Pound, Dead Bolt, Buford, R22, Gump, Webex, Draper, Dauber, Brexit, Nemo, YHC Earhart It’s was icy, the roads were questionable, the radio news programs were all doom and gloom, and YHC was up early determined to represent our Carpex brothers in South Wake. I headed out from Apex, driving carefully, minding my lanes and looking for that elusive black ice, but, the path to Cletus turned out to be fine and YHC had no issues getting to the AO, outside the 6 foot high speed breakers. [Read More]

The Darby Project

Date: 01/10/18 QIC: Darby [South Wake] Site: Tortoises PAX: Yogi, Ascot, Theisman, M4L, Banjo, Crimson, Pickles, CK, AirHeart, Dog Pound, Sooey, Disco Duck, WWW, Draper, Spartan, R2D2, Ugga, Cherry Garcia, DeadBolt, Darby For our Wednesday version of the CarPex/Southwake Q-swap, we “limited” our running to Shuttle Sprints and Agility work. We started on cones and ladder drills, moving into shuttle sprints. In between each group of 5 shuttles, we did merkins, flutterkicks, WWIIs, Burpees, mountain climbers, and something Theisman called. [Read More]

QSwap @ Flirting With Disaster – or – Slide Rules Goes to Carpex!

Background: For those who don’t know, Carpex is world region locally renowned for their Mumble Chatter. Also, the last time I Q’d in #SouthWake, the neighborhood FB / community running pages lit up with complaints about that “infernal loud counting” by F3 (aka YHC). Seems like a match made in heaven. Let’s make some NOISE boys! Background Pt 2: YHC arrived a little early to find PetSounds standing in the parking lot…in dockers and an argyle sweater. [Read More]