Time Flys.

Over the past five years, my life has undergone a remarkable transformation since “joining” F3. It all began with a chance encounter in my neighborhood, where I was minding my own business, on a walk on one of the greenways when a stranger approached, asking if I was with them. Perplexed, I inquired, “Who are you?” He hastily explained what F3 was, and as I headed home after my walk that morning, where I couldn’t shake off the feeling that it might be some sort of cult! [Read More]

The Commish Returns!

After 21 weeks off from the Q sheet (last Q was Wolverine in July!) YHC returned to the gloom where a full body workout was presented. Starting with light mumble chatter about Cooter’s (running on them, moisture and running near creeks) the disclaimer was given along with The Pledge. Mozy to dirt lot for warmups SSH Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm Circles & reverse Overhead Claps Plank for calf stretches [Read More]

Mexican Slayride*

It snuck up on me, but my 6-year anniversary of my first post is 6/15. I first posted at A-Team, at the urging of Hotspot, way back in 2015. You know he can be convincing… Crazy busy schedule these last few days, with 2.0 Zip Drive wrapping up his high school career, and all the celebrations that signal the end of one phase, and the beginning of another. But I saw that A-Team was Q-less, and, even with all the crazy in my life right now, could NOT pass up a chance to see if I could pull off another themed Q there. [Read More]

A Plan Comes Together

AO: A-Team Workout Date: 06/07/21 After Slippery When Wet on Friday, I verified with site Q Henny Penny that A-Team was, indeed, a standard boot camp. The A-Team was one of my favorite television shows when I was growing up. I really wanted to have some inspired routines for this. The first one came pretty easily, Burpee-American Hammer Elevens for the A-Team’s master mechanic, B. A. Baracus. Solid! What exercises could I come up for Hannibal, Faceman, and Howlin’ Mad Murdock? [Read More]

Rinse and repeat...

Some folks may be aware that YHC does not typically post on Tuesdays and Thursdays as those are the M’s mornings to go to the gym. Well, with the 1.0s in town, the unique opportunity has arisen for YHC to not only post, but jump on that Q sheet. So I decided to take my talents to downtown Cary, if for nothing else, free deodorant and beer. I just Qed on Friday so figured why not just run that bad boy back since only Wahoo was at that Q anyway and when I apologized that it was redundant, he didn’t seem to notice and stated, “They all run together at this point. [Read More]

More miles please?

With the weather being a pleasant 48f this AM, 17 of Carpex’s finest came out in the gloom. Some appeared eager and did an EC, others didn’t. I am not one to judge, rather my purpose this morning was to Q. Let’s do this. Starting with: Pledge of allegiance Mozy to parking lot for warmups consisting of: Good mornings Seal claps Overhead claps Sir fazio arm circles Side stradle hops Mozy to top of trail path Thang 1: 7’s Plank Jacks & Sumo Squats Mozy past lake to parking lot [Read More]

No Mamby Pamby Here

On a rare weekend at home, Earhart put out the call there was no Q for Piranha Park. YHC quickly snapped it up. EC and pain options abound at Apex Nature Park, even though the AO has to start so late to allow Cheddar Bo Jr the chance to unlock the cot dang gate. Anyway, remembering an OTB EC run we did a few months ago in from Vicious Fishes then back again afterward, I decided to resurrect it. [Read More]

Disco beat me to it. So did Flip.

Sunday night planning my Monday morning A-Team Q, I noted on the map that Laurel Park Elementary is super close by. I’ve been with CARPEx for almost 6 years and have never been to Laurel Park. “Time for a first,” thinks I. Meet up with Flip Flop and Two Factor for an EC run. Head into the park as per usual but after running the regular long lollipop, Flip takes out of the park and to the right. [Read More]

Missed Shots and Merkins

Field of Dreams. The name just conjures up so many positive thoughts. YHC has spent a lot of time in this park, not related to F3. Many baseball and softball games have been played/coached/umpired out here. And it’s a great site to move around and travel. So we’re going to do a low mileage, core-heavy, sorta March Madness themed workout. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, and disclaimer. Do a mosey lap around the parking lots. [Read More]

The Push

Goal: To Push Everybody Monday of Carpex Respect Week I had never Q’d a running workout, so this was a test for me. All of my other Q’s were at Tortoises or Hells Bells or Tin2Iron - all low to no running AOs. Not known as a runner, this would be a challenge to me. So I put together a few pearls on a string to get more than a mile in. [Read More]