Traveling Pain Pills

AO: Phoenix Twelve HIMs gathered this morning for some fun at Phoenix. Welcome brother Chum, who joined us from F3 Chapel Hill area. Here’s what we did. Warm-up: Mosey to the upper lot, circle up for Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Windmills… on cue, Callahan arrives late, again. Continue with Sir Fazio’s forward, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Sir Fazio’s reverse. Five penalty Burpees (thank you, Callahan). Finish up with Merkins and Mountain Climbers. [Read More]

Raccoon sighting

Friday, April 6th No we really didn’t see any raccoons but you are now reading the back blast, so that is a positive. While arriving last Friday I was greeted by an extremely chipper PAX. I think his name was Bayonne, so that is a problem. Although, another PAX that was less energetic was actually named “Chipper”, also present, so that washes itself out. I asked Earhart how many kettlebells he had in his car the night before and it was actually half of what he mentioned. [Read More]

Good Friday at DP with Power of 3

A great morning for a special Good Friday workout at Dante’s! After some early morning recon (the soccer fields are OPEN) and some EC with Disco Duck, we gather around the flag for a pledge and then a mosey up the hill to the right. YHC mixed in butt kickers, high knees, backwards runs, and even some bear crawling. We make it to the basketball court and circle up for: [Read More]

Kettlebell Clock of Pain

Well, appears something going on with the fields and the regular spot that we normally meet because the gate in is locked. We decide to head to the nature park up the street because for some reason that gate is open. Gather the HIM and head over, parking in the very back near the shelter. Hop out and see this great circle that just shouts for some sort of pain. First-up though, we need to mosey to the front of the parking area for: [Read More]

Doing the B.I.R.P

The day-after birthday Q… How can we combine BLIMPs, partners and rocks… hmmmm. Warm-up Lap around the lot 45 ssh 10 gm 10 wm Run back to the rock pile with 1 merkin at each lamp Thang #1 - Doing the B.I.R.P – BLIMPS.Infating.Rock.Partner Partner up, grab a traveling rock, run to the soccer pitch. Line up along the midfield line, P1/P2 run to opposite goal lines and back, meet up, do the exercise set, then hand off the rock. [Read More]

Hell's Bell's in the Field

When: February 27th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Franklin, PBX, Beaker, Bogo, Sooey, Moped, Pivot, Chum, Airbag, Sabin, Skyblue, Goose, High-liter, Biner (RS), Bartman (RS), Katniss (RS) YHC Earhart I head to an old stomping ground for my next Q, this time bringing with me an assortment of kettlebells for a Hell’s Bell’s beatdown at FOD! I also notice that Rolling Stone is here with me so all kinds of weight pain are going around this fine morning. [Read More]


Great temps, 14 PAX, no lights, no FNGs but still give the disclaimer and we are off Warm up mozy SSH x20 IW x15 GM x10 Fazio routine Merkins, Plankjacks, MC x 15 Thang Catch me if you can with HR merkins to parking lot entrance Lindsays (aka 40s) on the hill with merkins at the top and squats at the bottom. Start with 30/10, decrease/increase by 5 until you get to 10/30 [Read More]

Partner Up...and Size Does Matter

When: February 16th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Crimson, Red Ryder, Chappy, Wonderland, Hotspot, Snots, Imp, Highlighter, Water Wings, Parker, GTL, Term Paper, Pickles, BOGO, PBX, Biner, Blue-n-Out, Blueprint, Chum, Matlock, Chipper, Monkey Nut, Crabby (FNG), YHC Earhart YHC comes in, five minutes to spare, with a great spring morning. How can you not want to come out in the gloom when it is partly cloudy and 65 degrees? Well, it appeared I was not the only one who felt that way because 23 fellow HIM posted as well. [Read More]

Hill of Dreams

11 gathered at FOD this morning, 9 were anxiously wondering who was the Q. Franklin and YHC were the only in the know. With discussion of a Beaker, Hi-Liter and YHC tri- Q, it was not to be. Already planned more than we would get to. Let’s go!!! Warm-up. Jog around the parking lot and circle up for: 20 SSH, 10 GMs, 20 PJs, 10 IW, 20 Mountain Climbers, 2pp merkins. [Read More]

Infinity and Beyond

Happy to be back heading up #TeamFOD this morning. 13 more pax decided to as well. Looked like 5 enjoyed a new signature EC run in as well. We aren’t all blessed to have AOs within running distance to our houses, people. (At least you don’t do like some pax, whom shall remain nameless, and make them run to you and name the EC run that you only half partake in after yourself. [Read More]