Finishing second still feels like a win

The Mike Fiorito Race for Second Place (MFRFSP) is a backyard ultra brought to you by Carpex’s finest ultra running shield lock, the Beige Bros. The goal is to reach 100 miles in 1 week by completing: 5 miles per day for 5 days Monday-Friday leading up to the main event 75 miles in a single day, Saturday, by completing a 5k at the start of each hour for 24 hours (0000-2300) You can run, ruck, or walk. [Read More]

Promises were made. Q-drenalin is real. Back In Black, Oct 28th 2021

Made the commitment to VQ BiB a few weeks ago. Since then…body has fallen apart. Left ankle injury, neck strain at the Super Shield Lock BiB AO, and then my right ankle started feeling really dodgy after my Tuesday run. Several rounds of PT with Erin and plenty of needles. This AM my body is only being held together by pills, creams, and strong black coffee. Come hell or high water, this thing is going to go down. [Read More]

Vanilla with a side of Beige

17 gathered at Point Break for Day 3 of Carpex Q School. Since Captain Jack covered virtually everything needed yesterday, and with a very similar crowd today, I focused on a little review as well as some explanation of how to plan and execute a very vanilla bootcamp. Shocked to see a solo Beige Bro in attendance (is there a rift brewing?) ¼ mile mosey to a safe place for some warm-up exercises, including SSH, GM, IW and Plankjacks [Read More]

Another Yank safely contained

Last Saturday, YHC moved from Chatham county closer to the center of the Carpex universe, going from 0 AOs* within an EC-able 3-mile radius to approximately half of all the AOs in Carpex (or as HK calls it, the Nation). What better way to move in, meet new Pax, and ensure that YHC wakes up and works out each day instead of sleeping in on a week off than to Q every day at a Cary AO? [Read More]

In a World...

The scene is dark, still and very quiet. There is barely any visible light but then we are jolted by the sound of an alarm clock and the darkness is pierce by the clocking showing 4:45am. Cut to: key in ignition Cut to: driving down the road before sunrise. Cut to: wide angle shot of 10 HIM milling around a parking waiting for what would become the best way to start ones day. [Read More]

MacGregor Downs and Ups

I was kicking it with HoppinJohn during our kids’ baseball game last weekend, and I noticed his site needed a Q this week, so I jumped on it, with the warning that it would be BRR-tilted. Stacked EC line-up: Mayflower, Bagels, Chops, Voltron. Lots of folks milling around ahead of the start time. I asked Chops to be clear in the pre-blast that we were running today, and he was, so I assumed everyone was onboard for some envelope-pushing. [Read More]

Good Hill Hunting

BRR season is upon us, whether the Pax like it or not. Several crushed the Cauliflower EC, but since I rolled in at 5:13, I can’t tell you exactly who. 5:15 start. No shovel flag with good brother Snip at the beach, but I noticed on my drive in that the Town of Cary mounted flags around Koka Booth for the 4th, so we moseyed to the traffic island where we were surrounded by Old Glories. [Read More]

Another Nice Q

AO: Back In Black Workout Date: 07/01/21 My sixty-ninth Q of the year was the prior Friday at Boiler Room, but that won’t stop me from repeating the joke for my sixty-ninth challenge Q today. Nice. BIB starts surprisingly early (0515), and YHC pulled into the Koka Booth lot just in time to catch Cauliflower and Adjacent for the prerun. I laced up and we were off on a two mile loop where we saw lots of wildlife (rabbits, a bat, maybe a mouse? [Read More]

It Was My Understanding

AO: Slippery When Wet Workout Date: 06/04/21 I really prefer to post a new AO before Qing, but it doesn’t always happen. In these cases I perform due diligence, verifying the workout format and scoping out the AO on Google Maps. According to the F3 Carpex website, Slippery When Wet is a standard boot camp. Warm Up: Give the mission statement, check for FNGs (1), give the disclaimer, and warm up: [Read More]

Making Rectangles!

Really beautiful, crisp & cool morning at BnB! Here’s what happened: Welcome & mission, no FNG, pledge. Mosey to the big office building for warm-up – typical stuff. Then, the big Thang – 21’s merkins & monkey humpers working the big parking lot making beautiful Strava rectangles – added LBC’s on the alternate corners…. After that we got a little bear crawling in as promised & it was back to the flag for CoT – parking lot was packed with Lifetime Fitness folks crowding our space – what the heck people? [Read More]