3 Months Away

We are officially three months away from BRR, and YHC isn’t in shape for that at the moment. Time to get to work. And on this insanely muggy morning we have 22 other HIMs with the same idea. One of them is not Francois, who is ducking this thing despite being a Site Q. No FNGs, although Free Solo is apparently back for workout #2. Pledge. A short mosey to the side parking lot and circle up for a warm up. [Read More]

What's Old Is New Again

YHC and Chipper launch at 0500 for the first shirtless FWD EC run of the season. It was glorious. It also turns out that his watch will only report accurate mileage if we run this particular route backwards. He continues to use this watch. A very solid crowd of 15 for the ME, including Yoga Mat and Whirlie making their first appearances at FWD in a while. Great to see these guys back. [Read More]

"That Was in My Mouth"

As you might imagine, it took YHC some time to locate an SFW graphic that fits with this particular title. A-Team is the spot where YHC attended his first Carpex workout and then performed his VQ. Just for nostalgia, we will recreate that VQ today. No FNGs. Pledge. Let’s go. Warm up: Mosey to the top parking lot to the right and circle up: 20 SSH IC 10 GM IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R 10 Wide Grip Merkins OMD 10 Daisy Pickers IC Whenever I see Chipper and Francois show up to the same workout, I know that there is a significant statistical likelihood that something amusing is going to happen. [Read More]

Of Course Battle Ropes Suck

I will admit that prior to 2021 I had only been to one workout at Cornerstone (aka the Artist formerly known as Sovereign Grace.) But now that I know this place has battle ropes and tires I am definitely coming back. That is the kind of stuff that was fun back when I knew what the inside of a gym looked like. 7 other guys roll in on a beautiful morning. [Read More]

Don't Judge a Man by the Size of His Rock

Maybe it is the late start and the extra 15 minutes of sleep, but everyone comes into this workout fired up and sassy. Chipper and Franklin jump out of their cars and start flinging hospital names around like hand grenades. The chatter won’t stop for the next 45 minutes. As a matter of fact, every rep count below is suspect because Staubach is the only one counting and he isn’t that good at it. [Read More]

The Magical Parking Lot

A few Southeast Cary guys agree to join me for this adventure, with Chipper and Oofda even showing up early for an EC run. They have vastly overestimated how long it will take to get to the other side of the world and are therefore able to enjoy an extra 15 minutes of stretching before we take off. No prior experience with an EC run here. But Google Maps is undefeated, so we find enough greenway to make it work. [Read More]